It was do-gooders just like you who caused Pearl Harbor to be attacked without any worhty retaliation in 1941. Read your HISTORY! We were sick of the carnage of only one year of battle in WWI and folks and politicians told us to ignore Japan and Hitler in the 1930's. These dreamers (like you) figured that if we didn't mess with them, they wouldn't mess with us. Had those same dreamers had any common sense, World War II would have been much easier, if we just stopped Germany and Japan before Japan killed a whole bunch of our citizens on December 9, 1941 and Hitler declared war on us the next day or so.
They say hind sight is 20/20 eh?
What Farkel forgot to mention was the reason why the MAJORITY of American Citizens AND Congress (these "do-gooders" and "dreamers") were reluctant to get involved in WW2.
Take yourself out of your 21st century computer monitor and journey back in to 1939 for a moment.
Trouble is brewing in Europe. Majority of Americans didn't want to send there sons and daughters off over seas again because they still had the taste of blood from WW1 in their mouths. There also was the depression which also lent to this sense of apathy that was infecting the nation. By the time 1937 rolled around and the Congress passed the Neutrality Act, making it unlawful for the United States to trade with belligerent nations. NOT ONLY TO MENTION THE U.S.A. WAS IN NO SHAPE ECONOMICALLY OR MILTARILY TO INVOLVE THEMSELVES IN A WAR! Even our military hardware (tanks, planes, guns, artillary, etc.) was SUB-PAR to Germany's war machine.
After Nazi-Germany started it's military offensive, yes finally, we did sell arms and such to Britan and France, not to mention send aid. The U.S. also started training and building up it's airforce at the time, hell we didn't even really HAVE ONE. Germany was way ahead of the U.S. in air-warfare and would of wiped U.S. from European skies. Hell, not even to mention U.S. tanks were no match against Germany (at that time or even WHEN the U.S. went to war). If the U.S. had just "hopped" in to the war in this condition, it would of been a slaughter for the U.S. forces. We didn't have the money, resources, or military strength to just go gallavanting in to conflict over seas.
What Japan did was screw the U.S. royally in the arse as to attacking Pearl Harbor after signing a Non-Agression Act. So as to "dreamers" and "do-gooders" of the day, took Japan at it's treaty. Remember folks, things were a little different in geopolitcs and social relations in those times.
Jeez, makes ME wonder if FARKEL read his WW2 history. Hell, not even that, go read some old news paper clippings and periodicals of the times. It would defunct your "dreamer" and "do-gooder" point of view in a heart beat.
Now Farkel, COMMON SENSE should be talking here instead of the "woulda-coulda-shoulda" hindsight point of view you're typing. Sorry Farkel, but your "dreamer" & "do-gooder" argument is not winning over history.
Don't mess with me on WW2, it's been my hobby since my late teens, and I've studied it extensively.
Want a nice interesting quick read material about WW2? Here ya go:
Instead of reading with Farkel's hind sight vision, put yourself in the shoes of Americans at the time, who really didn't know what the hell was going on in the world around them. It's easy to judge people of the past as being "do gooders" and "dreamers", because we in the present can analyse ALL the vast information provided. Remember, when reading your history, events were evolving with an uncertain future. But you really don't need to be told that.