My girlfriend would be really pissed if I did, if by race we mean racial origin. However, that is only skin-deep.
I think cultural differences amount to far more than skin colour or shape of skull, or whatever racial differentiator you want to choose.
My girlfriend is Dutch (sorry CrazyDrinker, she's gone, but why do YOU want a Dutch girl? It's not all liberated sex and reaaly good grass here!), and I can easily come up with twenty cultural differences between Holland and the UK;
1/ The Dutch are less polite, or more open, depending on viewpoint.
2/ They have differing standards of personal space, and jostle and push in a way that is very hard to deal with if it's not what you're used to.
3/ The birthday parties are excursions in tedium, they serve you coffee when you walk through the door, normally a signal it's time to leave.
4/ They think nothing of sitting behind an open window at nigth in a lit room with their curtains open, even if a pavement (sidewalk) carrying pedestrian traffic goes right by it. This make English people itch with anxiety.
5/ The public toilets have no screen between the urinal and the door.
6/ The sense of humour is different to the extent it can appear to be absent.
7/ Conformity is a virtue, for all the balderdash about it being a liberal country, it isn't, it's a pragmatic country.
8/ 'God damn me' (Gotzerdommer) is the rudest word you can use, fu*k is acceptable as a word almost everywhere.
9/ Most people have at least Dutch, and English or German to a pretty good standard of comprehension even if they don't talk that well, being fluent in five languages is not exceptional.
10/ They teach their kids to swim, skate and cycle as soon as they can.
11/ You never see groups of teenagers outon the streets drinking... they can go to bars.
12/ Prostitution is legal and controlled.
13/ Cannabis is 'legal' and controlled.
14/ They hate Belgans (the English hate the French).
15/ They love cycling as a sport, and actually use it as an everyday transport to an extent unknown elsewhere in the developed world.
etc., and I'm out of time.
I could equally supply a list differentiating other countries I know enough of and English culture. Race is just a label you can read from the outside. Inside far more differences lie. This can be good, or bad, and often is both, and always potentially interesting