Hope you don't mind me shortening your nick, economy in finger movements ya know.
I think you missed my point almost completely. My comment relating to loss of live's centered around the price many have paid for a cause/endeavor. Not just in cases of conflict.
The quest for freedom from oppression has taken many forms. We all know and have our favorite historical figures representing these ideals.Governments come and go often predicated on the sacrifice of lives. In fact Iam hard pressed to identify any government now in exsistence that did not have as it's basis, someone who risked life and limb, for its inception or survival.
You ignored my simple comparison of one's life spent working for an employer (self or otherwise) vs. your argument of sacrifices just one life for what YOU consider an unjust war.
It really all comes down to perspective. If your world view is that corporations, stock holder's, the wealthy, are to blame for the majority of the worlds woes, it is easy to agree with your reasoning. But that assumption is a very dangerous 'cop out' for not taking desisive action. Oil being only one of the issues.
Who has more compassion, the guy who try's to stop a mugger from killing the victim, or the guy who simply call's the police?
All of the comments on this thread pro and con, seem to indicate that everyone view Sadam as a threat. But all you seem to want to do is call up the UN. A fairly hapless body of nation's overall who have niether the will or the resources to answer the 911 call. Not to mention they have as group never done much of anything to resolve a problem.
For Simon and other USA critics, there is a reason why we get involved while other's remain silent. We tried to stay out of the fray in WWII, arn't you happy we changed our minds?