Aztec: You are 100% correct, we are not getting the whole picture and we are indeed being fed propaganda. All nations engage in it. You are one smart cookie.
Back2dafront: T he point I was trying to make was that a full and fair examination of the facts does not support her conclusion. Put another way, her premise is not supported because she fails to meet the burden of proof placed upon her by her assertions.
I do not want to start ripping apart her essay but you are almost forcing me to do that just to prove a simple point with you.
I have had my work shredded many times, so I know of what I speak and Im telling you truthfully the logic here is flawed. Im not going to put her work through the meat grinder as some posters on this db seem to relish in doing because that is not what Im about, but let me show you the types of errors in logic Im talking about with just a little example.
- Dick Cheney, was Halliburtons chairman and chief executive. Halliburton is the worlds largest oil field services company.
Halliburton has signed contracts and provides services to Chevron.
Ok so lets see what we find here. Dick Cheney WAS Halliburtons chairman. OK Ill go along with that. So now he is not, in fact he is not even a stockholder, he divested remember? So exactly how does Mr. Cheney profit since he no longer has an interest in the company? You have a bit a problem here dont you think?
Then there is the Halliburton / Chevron connection. Well what do we have here an oil services company that has contracts with an oil company. Wow, what do you think the odds are that
the worlds largest oil field services company
would have Chevron as one of their many customers? Like almost 100% guaranteed I would say. And because they have a contract with them that means what?
Conspiracy , bribery, collusion???
Do you see the flaws?
Im not saying Aztec is wrong, she could be 100% right, however she has not presented a credible case, a fair jury would not hang these guys as Im sure some you would like too.
That is just a small example back2dafront, I could show you more but why, what purpose would it serve?
Aztec, I sincerely mean no disrespect to you, its just that your little essay caught my eye. Probably because it looked like some of the stuff I handed in when I was in school. And then I remembered how my essays always came back all marked up and with more pages of notes attached then my entire original paper. A two-page essay came back with three pages of notes criticizing what just took me hours and hours to write!
In the beginning it made me feel about three feet tall, but then I realized criticism is actually a good and positive thing, its how we learn and become better. If I had the logical reasoning skills back when the JWs were trying to recruit me that I have now, oh boy they would be in trouble! Not only would I be impervious to their sly and deceptive recruitment tactics, but also I may have even been able to drag my recruiter out from that cult.
Anyway thats really all I wanted to say, in fact Ive said too much, I should shut up before I get my ass kicked. Please feel free to slice and dice my post or tell me to just plain shove it. Dont matter I dont offend very easy and Im so dumb I just keep coming back for more anyway J
Edited by - freeman on 18 January 2003 22:15:15
Edited by - freeman on 18 January 2003 22:19:13
Edited by - freeman on 18 January 2003 22:22:53