""I don't see how we can tie our nation's well-being and its future security to the United Nations or the French or anyone else. The United Nations resolution didn't authorize us to go to Baghdad in 1991, so we didn't. Maybe the Bush 41ers thought this time would be different, but in 1991 we were told the coalition would fall apart if we kicked out Saddam. All his neighbors and the pundit class said he'd fall anyway. These nations didn't want Saddam gone then, but since then things have only grown worse.
Folks, the approach of the talking class has always failed. Look at what Reagan had to do to get rid of the Soviet Union: he had to get rid of Dtente and confront them. The world panicked, as did many of Reagan's own speechwriters when they read he was to say, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." Yet in the end, it worked - and we have a fraction of the nuclear weapons we had before that supposed cowboy took office. The same whiners tried to stop Reagan, using the UN, because they know they can't stop us on the battlefield - and they'd never try, anyway."" RL