Are You In Support Of Starting A War In Iraq ?

by minimus 111 Replies latest jw friends

  • DakotaRed

    I think the question is misleading. The war was started long ago when Saddam invaded Kuwait and has continued til now. It is Saddam who continually violates the UN resolutions and even the cease fire agreement his country signed to stop the fighting. It is he who has been out to get the US since that cease fire, sending assasins into Kuwait to get Bush one a few years ago. It is Saddam who is trying real hard to get more weapons of mass destruction, as evidenced by scientists of his own that have defected and testified to such.

    Yes, much to world community has buried their heads in the sand again and won't look at it as it is. The same world community that thought they could peacefully resolve matters with Hitler in 1937. The same world community that breathed a sigh of relief when Clinton got an agreement with North Korea over their quest for attaining nuclear weapons, only to see that it too was violated the whole time and now there is one more dictatorship having them, one that wouldn't hesitate using them.

    The war was started long ago. It is time to finish it and return Iraq to a peaceful government. Of course, I would feel a lot more secure about it if there were more open support from other Muslim countries, but if not, it needs to be done.

    For those Saddam supporters who feel he is an honest man, I only remind you of the picture of the bombing in '91 showing the hand painted, in English sign saying "Baby Milk Factory" at the one plant. Don't all Arab companies also hand paint their signs in our language to identify them?

    Lew W

  • Aztec
    For those of you who talk about the oil interests, don't you know that the oil interests are your interests as well? Let us suppose that we could not get oil from the Middle East and gas went to ten dollars a gallon and your heating and air conditioning costs went up four fold. You would squeal like stuck pigs, and certainly your standard of living would greatly suffer. Think about it.

    Larc, hon if gas goes to ten dollars a gallon I would just ride the bus. I think a little sacrifice is fine if it prevents the death of many innocent people. We're far too dependent on oil IMO anyway. If we spent more money on finding alternative energy sources this would not even be an issue.

    Thanks PD! I'm getting sick of it too.


  • back2dafront


    I totally agree with you. People act as if oil is the only resource available and that without it life will be miserable. It's just not so - why use oil which pollutes the environment when there are cleaner resources available?

    The day America realizes it needs to focus on environmental issues and proactively pursues alternate energy resources is the day I will be proud of what this country is doing for our benefit and for the best interests of the world.

    Yeah, I personally would not mind a temporary sacrifice of convienences for the sake of our health and the safety of innocent people. Unfortunately not everyone feels that way. Pretty sad.


  • larc

    Let's start with this point about the death of the innocents. It will either happen now in small numbers, or, we can sit by and do nothing and it will continue to happen to millions. Over the years of Clinton's administration, Sadam killed millions of his own people. Take your choice. Now, regarding alternate energy sources, the research is going on as we speak. In the case of wind energy, the cost of electricity produced by it has dropped from ten times as much as fossil fuel energy to 1.5 times as much, in this country, over the last 15 years. In some parts of the world it is already cost effective. In the UK, there is an aggressive program to produce energy this way. In the States, it is a viable alternative in some locations, right now.

  • DakotaRed

    For those who wish to continue with the smoke screen that this is only about oil, I heard on the news the other night that Venezuela has more known oil reserves than all of the Middle East. Right now, Venezuela is mired in their own civil strife, threatening their oil production.

    If Bush and the US were simply seeking cheap oil, why are the problems of Venezuela being relatively ignored by the US? If the US is only interested in maintaining cheap oil for our own consumption, wouldn't we also be trying to maintain it from Venezuela?

    Food for thought.

    Lew W

  • czarofmischief

    Look, there are only two ways the world can go at this point. Either we do not act, and the barbarians grow bolder and meaner, or we do act, and successfully repress them. Our very nation is at risk, and some people are still whining about "the innocent Iraqis". Remember, the Islamic world DANCED IN THE STREETS on 9/11. The world of radical Islam hates us and want nothing more than our death. Sure, if they took the time to get to know us, they might like us better. But they don't want to. So screw em. Kill 'em all, I don't give one good damn. The world could be bathed in blood and it wouldn't faze me - these "innocents" are as culpable as the French Collaborators during the Nazi occupation.


  • rmayer32

    The bottom line is Saddam must be stopped from using weapons of Mass Destruction. I'd say stopped from making them but anyone who is realistic knows that part is too late. He is not only an enemy to the U.S. but he is an enemy to the entire world. Do you think if we looked the other way 12 years ago he wouldn't be in Kuwait today??

    He is a threat to his neighbors, his own people and eventually if not taken out will become a major threat to the entire world. Whatever it takes to get it done we must do it.


  • minimus

    Do you think we're headed for war? ..........Things don't look too good.

  • dubla


    please prove to me that terrorists were on board those planes.

    thought you might find this article seems that have positive matches on dna samples from the hijackers on board the planes; positive match meaning theyve matched the dna with suspected terrorists from the fbi list which you called "a joke". heres the link >>>


  • Trauma_Hound

    How did they get DNA in the first place, after the fact? Seems to me if they knew they were terrorist before hand, and had gotten close enough to get DNA, why wouldn't they follow these men around? As far as the WTC, what the heck does that have to do with a war against IRAQ, there has to date, not been any proof of a link with Iraq and Al Queda, 0% proof.

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