Are You In Support Of Starting A War In Iraq ?

by minimus 111 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shakita

    Hi Pleasuredome:

    I don't question how Saddam acquired the weapons. My point is what do we do now that he DOES have them. No one in their right mind wants a war. Who suffers most in any war?....the innocent. But, the world community can deal with a Saddam who is trying to acquire nukes, or they can deal with him when he has them. It is only a matter of time. Time is not on the world's side. If the world sits back and waits, a butcher will hold the region and eventually the world hostage. Can you image the world if JFK turned a blind eye to Castro? Peace loving people everywhere will try to solve the problem of Saddam and his regime with diplomacy........but I am afraid that you can not bargain with a lunatic.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • back2dafront

    I found this article interesting re: the pipeline in Afghanistan:

    Afghanistan - Needed for Oil and Gas Pipelines

    Theres no oil in Afghanistan but it holds the key to oil riches of Central Asia!

    Total oil reserves of the Caspian Sea region, estimated at above 200 BBL (billion barrels), exceeds that of Western Europe and/or the United States (110 BBL) and puts it in second place after the Middle East (700 BBL). Total production, currently at 1 million barrels/day, could reach 3.4 million b/d by the year 2010, assuming that hydrocarbons can be transported to world markets.

    Afghanistan holds the key.
    "..the US - and several countries in the region - are also keen to commercially exploit the vast oil and gas reserves in Central Asia, and believe that Afghanistan holds the key.
    Several countries are exploring the idea of building a pipeline from Central Asia across Afghanistan to Pakistan and beyond - something that would be impossible without a stable Afghanistan. " - BBC 11th September 2001

    Other countries stirred up fighting in Afghanistan for their interests.
    "Iran has stirred up the fighting in order to make sure an international oil pipeline went through its territory and not through Afghanistan. " - BBC 20th December 1999

    Who is to control the flow of oil?
    "The Americans are unhappy about the prospect of a radical Muslim state controlling a proposed 1.2 billion gas pipeline through Afghanistan from Turkmenistan. " Telegraph 16th August 1998

    1.2 billion pipeline through Afghanistan.
    "CentGas, the consortium behind the 1.2 billion pipeline, which would run from Turkmenistan, through Afghanistan and into Pakistan, is ready to proceed. Its main partners are the American oil firm Unocal and Delta Oil of Saudi Arabia, plus Hyundai of South Korea, two Japanese companies, a Pakistani conglomerate and the Turkmen government. " Telegraph 13th August 1998

    Afghanistan holds the key to oil riches of Central Asia."Behind the tribal clashes that have scarred Afghanistan lies one of the great prizes of the 21st century, the fabulous energy reserves of Central Asia. Largely unexplored, and almost completely unexploited, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, all formerly components of the Soviet Union, but now independent, are known to possess vast oil and gas reserves. As supplies from the Gulf begin to peter out next century, these will become highly significant. " Telegraph 11th October 1996

    The race to gain control of the Caspian Sea Oil - Shhh don't tell anyone!

    The United States wants to see as many different pipeline routes as possible to prevent any one country from developing a stranglehold over the flow of oil from the region.

    Russia, however, wants to ensure that most of the Caspian oil will go via its territories.

    Oil the magically-combustible greasy-mud, known as the "Black Gold."

    Chechnya, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Armenia.

    Conspiracy Theory or Conspiracy Fact?

    See also: The need for multiple pipeline routes for Caspian Sea oil and gas
    Cold Blooded Draconians and Afghanistan

    Back to Mujahideen main page

    email : [email protected]

    Call it "stupid conspiracy theory" if you want, but it stands to reason that a "stupid conspiracy theory" could actually be true.

    At any rate, I think Sadaam is evil and that he needs to be dealt with, but I think USA is playing on this fact to further the oil interests.

    I don't think this is gonna be another gulf war though. I'm convinced there will be a LOT more American casualties this time.

    This war will have long-lasting effects.

  • reporter

    The inspectors-Clouseaux like "Dr" Hans (Where the hell did they get that name) Blix may not find any smoking gun. Is it possible that the greater amounts of WMD were moved across borders to other countries?

    Remember, terrorism and their organizations are not ruled or deterred by geographic borders. I think we saw that on Sept. 11. It could be well possible that terrorist cells will plan for a swift and purposed counter-attack on Anglo-American soil (aka "The West", the "Great Satan", the "Infidels", ad nauseum) right after any U.S. or U.N. coalition attack on Iraq. That could be the reason why minimus observed people becoming "faint out of fear" over this looming war in particular. That's just my theory, of course.

  • larc

    For those of you who talk about the oil interests, don't you know that the oil interests are your interests as well? Let us suppose that we could not get oil from the Middle East and gas went to ten dollars a gallon and your heating and air conditioning costs went up four fold. You would squeal like stuck pigs, and certainly your standard of living would greatly suffer. Think about it.

  • reporter

    For back2dafront (I hope you don't wipe yourself that way) and others, can you explain this for your conspiracy files?

  • czarofmischief

    What's so bad about imperialism? It worked for Rome. Why can't we force our values on those that for religious or cultural reasons, would prefer to drive planes into our buildings?

    I think its about time that the world shared our viewpoint - willingly or not.


  • Perry


    You mean that you would violate the guiding principles of the far left wing by not promoting multiculturalism in a pluralistic post-moodern society? Who gave you the right to adversly judge the age old traditions of suicide bombing, oppression of women, and famine-stricken populaces dominated by autocratic, dictatorial megalomaniac war loards?

    If we don't stand up to tyranny, some of the middle-eastern culture could vanish forever. Let's start teaching Saddam's views in our schools so that this important take on our human state is not lost forever!

    It's easy to see how all you right wingers are just biggots.

  • Aztec

    No I am not in support of starting a war. I'm not gonna argue my points anymore because people are going to believe what they WANT to believe and noone and nothing is going to change their minds.

    One thing that bothers me though is the lack of concern showed for innocent Iraqi's who've done nothing to deserve the conflict that will soon be on their doorsteps. I do care about our troops, of course, but they are prepared for it. They've been trained for it and, for the most part, knew what they were getting into when they signed up. When people talk about casualties they only seem concerned about American casualties. That's sick!


  • Pleasuredome


    i hope the imperialists can do something about those republican and loyalist paramilitaries in Northern Ireland, and the Basque seperatist group ETA in Spain.

    ETA had killed 836 people since its first attack in 1968 and injured 2,367 over the course of 3,391 attacks, and also sponsored 3,761 acts of so-called low-level street violence since 1991.

    total number killed by the IRA(+ 'official' & 'real' IRA) 1776.

    total number killed by combined Loyalist paramilitaries 794.

    Why can't we force our values on those that for religious or cultural reasons, would prefer to drive planes into our buildings?

    why dont the British governmet do the same in Northern Ireland like you suggest? why doesnt the Spanish government do the same in the Basque region? and these are so called free countries!

    if you would like to see done what you suggest, what then makes you any different from Saddam, Gaddafi, Robert Mugabe etc?


    For those of you who talk about the oil interests, don't you know that the oil interests are your interests as well? Let us suppose that we could not get oil from the Middle East and gas went to ten dollars a gallon and your heating and air conditioning costs went up four fold. You would squeal like stuck pigs, and certainly your standard of living would greatly suffer. Think about it.

    well, as long as quite a few thousand innocent people have to die so you can live in comfort and live a cheap life, then that should be worth it hey? i'm glad you feel the price of oil is worth a lot more than many thousands of innocent lives.

  • Pleasuredome

    'nuff said...

    aztec, i'm with you, i've had enough of this pathetic war mongering drivel.

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