Payer to my understanding seems to be one side of the brain talking to the other. I think the shame is that some religious organisations (that shall remain nameless) limit the choices and options we have in solving problems by saying things like “God doesn’t listen if you’re a sinner”, “God doesn’t listen if you pray for disfellowshiped people” etc etc etc. Example November 15 Watchtower entitled “Does Praying Do Any Good?” gave plenty of reasons as to why God doesn’t listen but none as to why he would.
It is liberating to make your own decisions. Not being limited in your choices.
I had always tried to do things Gods way in every decision in my life. And if I didn’t know or couldn't find an answer I let God (Life) make the decision for me (left it in Gods hands). Even if it was to my personal detriment. The self sacrificing spirit. Fool that I was. I just ended up sacrificed. God did not bless me for it. I have no evidence that God has ever intervened in my life or given realistic direction. The smart decisions I made myself.
Think. Does the governing body leave things in Gods hands or do they make “wise business decisions” and “prudent investments” (always finding a “scriptural principal” to support there human decision). If they did leave things in Gods hands were do you think they would end up. I think its interesting that they always find scriptural justification to make human decisions.
"But it does move"