Just follow the $$$! Ask yourself what is the #1 complaint of non-JWs who don't know a damn thing about the Pedo, Mexico Malawi, RandCam, UN, OSCE, Cayman offshore accounts, weapons manufacturing stocks, ect??
NO JESUS STUFF!!! It took 100+ years for the WTBTS to even have an actor play Jesus on screen! It took 100+ years to have an "Imitate Jesus" convention and they still don't have the balls to make a Jesus movie.
People notice and don't want to be associated with a so-called Xian group that excludes Jesus. JWs have to constantly remind others that they believe in Jesus. Why? Anyone with half a brain can see that Jesus is just an errand boy in the WTBTS.
The WTBTS needs more members. How do they get them? They need Hispanics for sure. After that, you've got Africa. Mmmmm....not good enough. Then you have virtually nameless countries... They need white people with money. Those people want white Jesus. Where is he? Who is Jehovah anyway??
The WTBTS's rebranding can progress only so far...unless they continue to emphasize JESUS. Otherwise, the current generation dies off and the WTBTS goes the way of the Lollards, or Millerites.
Mainstreaming requires Jesus. That requires minimizing "Jehovah" somehow, because that "name" is burned into the consciousness of the public. That public wants Jesus, and they will pay for him.