Is there any basis for these claims?
Christianity is the worst disaster in human history!
by happysunshine 59 Replies latest watchtower bible
thanks for the excellent link happysunshine.
I'd love to see a christian attept to rebuff some of this stuff but they all run and hide when true histrory rears it's head. (you can bring a man to facts but you can't make him think)
cheers, unclebruce
ps: if it wasn't christianity it probly would have been something else (as a species we're barking mad ya know!
Hey, thanks for that link. There's a TON of information there. I began reading it, but without my reading glasses, it's a bit tricky.
I've bookmarked it. I'm going to give it a good read this weekend.
Thanks for the link happysunshine.
Yup, excellent link, although I do not completely agree with everything they say, it's nice info!
Wondering what JWs would say about this link...... how about the JW organisation is the worst disaster in religious history?
Thanks for the link. Yes, there is a basis for these claims. I am currently reading The Christ Conspiracy, by Acharya S., which is mentioned on the site. This is a very well researched book. It's clear, to some, that the Witnesses is only a tiny branch on a diseased tree of religion. Sadly many who read Raymond Franz's book(s) which exposed the Witnesses will refuse to come near books and information that exposes the Christians belief system as a whole. Few are willing to have their religious rug pulled out from under them. Few, want to know truth that bad. JamesT The free man is he who does not fear to go to the end of his thought. -- Leon Blum
Here's another, down for some good topics.
Thanks for the site you supplied too......good stuff!
Good info. For some time i had maintained that the world is generally getting better, dispite wars and whatnot. But, with the latest christian crusade against evil (the new heretics), that they claim could go on for a generation, i'm not so sure, anymore. A new, high tech dark age could fall on our children.
PS, they are heretics against christian capitalism. They are sort of capitalist, but not fully, wholeheartedly committed to consumerism.
Will Power
Hope I don't kill this link....
Thanks for the link
(you can bring a man to facts but you can't make him think)
Love that!