What I find ironic is this -- over 75% of abortions are performed on "people of color" -- primarily blacks and Latinos. These are the people that the democrats claim to support, yet they still support "killing" them off. There is clear evidence that Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, knew that primarily black babied would be aborted by this procedure. Seems like the Dems were intent on killing off more of "their base".
Roe vs Wade Overturned by US Supreme Court!
by Simon 173 Replies latest social current
Anony Mous
These are the "thousands" protesting today: scary bunch lol: https://twitter.com/i/status/1540657516958420992
If it was such an issue, the media wouldn't have to use their telelens at a 6ft distance to hide the empty spots on the street.
From Twitter:
Notice the framing. They keep saying it's not about life, it's about control. And of course Stpehen King hyperbolically welcomes everyone to the Handmaid's tale. The disconnect is incredible.
Why do people who believe abortion is wrong want to impose that on other people? If you don’t believe in them, don’t get one. None of them were losing sleep over abortions happening. None of them had a moment in their life impacted by an abortion happening. The whole argument that is being championed that it leaves it up to the individual states is hogwash. The people saying this KNOW and HOPE it is the first step to getting it banned in every state.
Why do people who believe murder is wrong want to impose that on other people? If you don’t believe in murder, don’t get murdered.
I think the point is to protect vulnerable life that cannot protect itself.
Seems like the Dems were intent on killing off more of "their base".
They keep them inline in other ways.
It's really about planned parenthood being a money laundering operation of the democratic party.
They gave something like $45m to them in the 2020 election, and then the dems ensure they are given taxpayers money in return.
Round and round the money goes, where it stops, nobody knows ... oh wait, we do. Biden.
Different interpretations then on if it is murder or not. Ultimately just more imposing one’s own view on others.
Freemail, do you have an actual argument or is throwing around insults all you have?
Sloppy Joe, in a democracy people argue about what they believe and what they want the government to do, or not do. Then we vote and see which position a majority wants. Roe v Wade short-circuited this process, which is why it has been contentious for fifty years. Now, the debate will take place where it belongs, in the state legislatures.
Different interpretations then on if it is murder or not.
So enlighten us as to when an abortion suddenly becomes murder? Is it a three months in the womb, six months, or is it as some pro-abortion activists claim at the point of viability? If it is viability then exactly how viable? The dictionary defines viable as, "capable of existence and development as an independent unit." So by definition the life of a baby at six or seven months post-birth should be able to be legally terminated as they are not yet 100% viable. Or what about someone like Beijing-joe the alleged president of the U.S.? He is definitely not viable in his dementia addled state!
Different interpretations then on if it is murder or not. Ultimately just more imposing one’s own view on others.
That's the definition of law and order. Society decides what is and isn't acceptable, passes laws and imposes the will of the people.
If we start with the premise that murder is wrong and work back, eventually we get to teens, preteens, toddlers and babies.
You still with me? That's still clearly wrong, agreed?
So take whatever baby, and they kill it the day before. Still not OK, with me?
The day before that?
How far back do you want to go before you say "OK, kill it!"?
If your claim is on viability then you're into the ~24 week territory.
If you want to be taken seriously, you have to have serious reason to your claims. Throwing your arms up and saying "any abortion should be allowed" is clearly monstrous, barbaric, and indefensible.