Woe. I had no idea the meltdown on Twitter was so intense. Blue checkmarks are losing their minds - but it's all the same talking point...
They really don't get the legal issue or the moral one.
by Simon 173 Replies latest social current
Woe. I had no idea the meltdown on Twitter was so intense. Blue checkmarks are losing their minds - but it's all the same talking point...
They really don't get the legal issue or the moral one.
The Southern Strategy was indeed a black mark on the reputation of the Republican Party. I would, however, like to call your attention to a greater offense committed by the Democratic Party at the time of the Civil Rights Act, namely the creation of the welfare state.
Prior to this time there was an income gap between whites and blacks, but that gap increased substantially after this time. The welfare state created continuing and increased dependence on government support among low income citizens. In the black community approximately 70% of black families had a father present before the welfare state. Since the welfare state, which incentivizes single-parent families, approximately 70% of black families are without fathers. The consequences of this have included proliferation of gangs and gang violence, lack of education and the plague of perpetual victimhood. https://www.americanexperiment.org/thomas-sowell-on-the-welfare-state/
In this way, political leaders of the Democratic Party exert power and control over the black community not unlike the power and control exerted by plantation owners over their slaves.
I realize this thread is about today's SCOTUS ruling and I believe the earlier comments address the issue beautifully. However I also believe that your comment warrants further response.
should realise the hideousness of the now inevitable back street abortions - the blame for any hideous back street abortions lies squarely with the pregnant women who choose to do this.
Adults must be held accountable for their behaviour and life choices.
June 24, 2022 will go down in history as one of the greatest days of liberation ever. The nearly 50 year reign of terror on the unborn has thankfully been dealt a serious blow.
Texas Attorney General is making it a holiday.
I think it's a good point to remember re these people losing their minds over this decision: abortion isn't being banned wholesale. It's just being stopped at the federal level. So, I'm sure liberal states such as California will keep all the abortion 'rights' that existed up till now.
I can't see where the problem is.
This just seems a case of the liberal left crying because a decision went against them.
It IS a significant ruling and significant change, because abortion is no longer protected by federal decree. The decision is the correct one, as the Constitution itself states that any rights/restrictions not enumerated within the document are left to the states to decide. The recent ruling regarding the Second Amendment was a reminder that states cannot decide which parts of the Constitution they can ignore (through restrictions designed to get around it). This ruling is a reminder that the federal government must not use the Constitution as a way to expand its reach and power. It is long overdue.
I don't think the USA will survive as a democratic republic in the long run, because our system has been under constant assault from all sides, pretty much from the start. It is a credit to the founding fathers that it has held up as long as it has, but it's become clear in the last 40-50 years that there are now enough people willing to overturn it that it is only a matter of time. I'm hopeful that this doesn't happen in my lifetime, or that we learn enough in the next couple of decades to come to appreciate what we have and protect it. But I am not optimistic about that.
Do you think this is revenge from the patriarchy for #metoo movement and so on? The Depp/Heard judgement now this, things seems to be swinging the other way.
I think it's a constant back-and-forth. In the 80s, Reagan moved the Republican party more to the right and empowered the religious factions within it, and they made a strong push for more legislation and more control. I think this eventually led to the pushback that got us where we are today, and the pendulum is beginning to swing the other way again. If the Supreme Court had ruled that abortion was illegal in 1973, we'd probably be hearing the opposite arguments from each political wing today.
At some point, the pendulum will swing so far in one direction that the structure will topple, instead of correcting itself.