What Will Happen To President Trump In Your Opinion?

by minimus 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • caves

    LongHairGal For one thing, the Democrats would make sure there was no criticism of him or disruption. They held him out like he was the Messiah.

    I completely agree.

    Have people in the US forgotten that you could not even breath a 'racial joke', with out the fear of being arrested or fired at the beginning of his presidency? Just a simple joke. It was a fear set in the minds of the public to "stamp out racism" and how did that work out for the US? Not so good. When something is crammed down people throats it ignites flames and fans them.


    My answer to the Op question is, I don't know. I doubt anything will happen. Acquittal in the Senate. Goes on to serve 4 more years after next election.

    Since all these scare tactics from the left, with documentaries, Micheal Moore's, cnn, msmbc, drivel the list goes on and on. It would be hilarious for someone to make a movie about if Trump resigned after his acquittal, not because he couldn't hack it but to show what would happen to the economy and state of affairs , while often showing footage of Trump with his feet kicked back watching the ciaos unfold.

  • minimus

    People who liked the Bushes liked the status quo. Trump does not adhere to the civil rules. He was shit on before he became President and based on the fact that he punches back twice as hard as he is given, he retaliates sometimes, viciously. Perhaps if the media and democrats treated him with fairness, things could be different. I truly believe the way they treat this President has backfired on them. They will have nearly all Hollywood types crying how terrible Trump is and that liberal base will want to crucify him BUT middle America is not like that. He will be re-elected and there is no Democrat that can beat him...and they know it!

  • Finkelstein

    He will be re-elected and there is no Democrat that can beat him.

    His most potent enemy really is himself and the way he has conducted himself while in office, a clarifying measure of his popularity will be seen in 2020.

    Will the Republican party support him as their front runner in 2020 ?

  • LV101

    President Trump stands up for himself -- he's too mannered considering how most people feel about the classless acts of the Dems. Of course, the liberals have to constantly accuse others - (same ole same ole MO) they can't dare look at the behavior/corruption (ongoing for decades) of their own party. President Trump knew there was something radically wrong after yrs of the dynasty political ruling class (swamp) and state corruption. All one mumbo jumbo conglomerate w/the media/fake news. Scary what's been going on.

  • minimus

    Trump is not defined by “normal” standards. He is who he is. It’s his brand. He connects with the average Joe.

  • LauraV

    He connects with the "average" Joe . . . . that's funny.

  • jp1692
    atomant: he cant get impeached ...
    a watcher: he will not be impeached ...
    Simon: He is not going to be impeached.

    Except Trump has been impeached.

    The US House of Representatives has the sole authority to impeach a sitting President and they did that on December 18, 2019, when the House of Representatives approved articles of impeachment on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

    The US Senate then holds the trial and has the sole authority to acquit or convict, which of course has not yet occurred.

    I understand that the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is holding on to those articles of impeachment and has not officially sent them to the Senate as she and McConnell engage in a game of political one-upsmanship, but that does not negate the fact that Donald J. Trump has been impeached.

    Please, get your facts straight!

  • LauraV

    Agreed jp1692 ! !!!

  • Simon
    Except Trump has been impeached.

    Except it doesn't mean what people think it means. You see people rejoicing that "he's no longer their president" ... erm, newsflash!

    Like I said, he's redefined what "impeached" means, it now means nothing (helped in no small measure by the dems).

    His most potent enemy really is himself and the way he has conducted himself while in office

    You keep saying this, and "his biggest enemy is his mouth / twitter" and you still don't get it.

    His ability to talk directly to regular people just like regular people talk is his greatest asset. We're no longer being fed news by a slick production team from the MSM working in tandem with the president, we get it straight from the source, unfiltered, raw. The MSM don't get to be a filter anymore and it's better, because they were doing a very bad job of it.

    He's redefined what a president should be. He's the anti-Obama - Obama was very slick, a hypnotist, all style and no substance. Trump is "get it done" without caring about anyones "feels" and that's what people now want.

    Notice too we get to say "Happy Christmas" again? It now sounds strange when people say "happy holidays".

    That's part of the Trump effect - washing away the stain of Obama. All that's left is the lame poster. "Hope", how did that work out for everyone?

  • LV101

    He's only been impeached in the minds of the desperate Dems. They sure have a lot to hide as they hang on to their corrupt and old deep state power. Their constituents will remain loyal no matter as they're too brainwashed to consider facts (like JWs) but it will become more interesting as the truth unfolds.

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