Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?

by slimboyfat 173 Replies latest social current

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Was it a conspiracy or not?

    there is no doubt in mind it was indeed a huge conspiracy involving billions of people and mega billions of dollars saying this shot was safe and effective.

    one in two people in the world is said to have had these substances injected into them and now we know it’s not safe. That is the very definition of a massive conspiracy perhaps one of the largest ever?

  • slimboyfat

    I think it was a conspiracy in the sense that media, politicians, and big pharma companies all stood to gain a huge amount by promoting injections that could make them a lot of money. But in that sense it’s not really any different than business as usual. We know that similar things have gone on for years, we have just learned to tolerate it somehow. The only difference is the scale of this pandemic and its potential for profit overshadowed everything else before it.

    For example we know that pharma routinely invents slightly new medicines in order to keep essential medicines within patent and highly profitable. We know they use various tricks to produce studies that indicate drugs are safer and more effective than they really are. We know that pharma engineered, with clear premeditated intent, the addiction of millions of citizens to opioid drugs that made companies billions of dollars and cost millions of people their lives. We know pharma companies use underhand means to keep basic drugs like insulin more expensive than they need to be and that politicians help them do it. We know that pharma companies cynically test their drugs in poorer countries where regulations are not as strong and that children have died needlessly as a result. We know that pharma companies act this way routinely. We know that politicians help them do it because they are given jobs, money, and other incentives to enacts regulations that put profit before lives. We know the media don’t report these stories to the full extent because media is hugely funded by pharma companies and they are hugely influenced by the political class who serve the pharma companies.

    Is it a conspiracy? You bet it’s a conspiracy. But not of the dress-as-owls and slaughter the goats-style covens in the woods. It’s the everyday boring conspiracy of business, media, and politicians who put their own financial interest ahead of the well-being of everybody else. I don’t think there are many of the elite who actively want to kill “ordinary” people - although there may be a few! They would probably prefer to make money from a good injections rather than bad ones, or from a good drug rather than one that kills millions of people. It’s just that they are highly motivated by money and power to the extent that they are willing, not only to overlook how the sausage is made, but defend the system to the last as beneficial and in everyone’s interest, rather than just their own interest.

    Sometimes you get the impression that a segment of the population thinks you must be totally mad for even suspecting that governments and businesses could have colluded over the injections to cover up harms. (Got your tin foil hat on eh?) But really, come on, it’s just how the world works. It’s not even an extraordinary claim, it’s boringly, depressingly, routine, the banality of evil.

  • Riley
  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    A conspiracy is one or more people doing something wrong and lying about it

    Yes it was huge conspiracy to get all these people to say the shots are safe and effective and get every religious leader group to tell their followers to remain full vaccinated

    the GB went along with it and as of today still have not done that expected U turn on vaccine mandates for theocratic schools

  • LV101

    Info on the Highwire (Del Bigtree/Jefferey Jaxen, Investigative Journalist) - Del has been involved for quite some time along with Robert F. Kennedy re/harmful vaccinations (children): "Internal CDC Documents reveal that this group of private corporations (yes..the CDC is a group of private corporations) expected --- in Advance! --- and then saw record number of serious adverse events and deaths from the Covid quackccines yet told the public precisely the opposite from the beginning." "[From these contracts] they're expecting 700% more reports during this time for COVID and they said 5% [historically] were serious...[but now we're] expecting about 40%, so what did they know??"

    From Del Bigtree's

    Enjoy your beef and chicken -- RNA added to these proteins this month. Too many people shying away from the "quackccines" so they're adding to foods. As Dr. Michael Yeadon says the mass kill off isn't fast enough for their planned population goal of 500,000 globally - I find this number hard to believe but it's all been surreal. We Americans expect too much pay, time off, etc., etc., and A-I (along with illegals) and China know how to run the world -- there are way too many of us. Dr. Michael Yeadon, ex-Pfizer Chief/UK.

  • LV101

    Per Dr Yeadon they nixed off thousands and thousands of retired seniors aiding pension/retirements funds. This is also what happened with the miracle social security kill off drug, Vioxx. Vioxx dubbed the 'save social security' med.

  • enoughisenough

    slimboyfat, you wrote you didn't think the elite really want to kill ordinary people-I beg to differ...that is exactly what they want to do in the name of sustainability. ( which most if not all nations in the UN agreed to: sustainability =mas murder but that isn't the pretty picture they paint. FB is still posting the need to keep up with the is GB towards the elders and others...JW are no part of the world is laughable! They are a feather of the bird.

  • slimboyfat

    I think the fact that the vaccines in many places are no longer being pushed and are being withdrawn for younger people is tacit admission that the harms are not trivial in relation to the injections. The question is the scale and how much will be admitted, because companies and governments obviously share huge incentives to minimise acknowledgment of harm.

    I still think the injections are a net benefit for some people, we just suffered from not having an open discussion of the balance of risks, and people the freedom to make their own informed decisions.

  • LV101

    Many of the vaccination/immunologist experts (Yeadon's not alone) are warning people to reject any and all 'vaccines'. How can they be good for the elderly when they've immune systems that are compromised with age and other infirmities - krazy - yet they jab them first. Many millions more dead than they're admitting. Leaked docs out of the UK confirm 92% of all deaths are those who've been double-triple "vaccinated." I know many who've had 5 plus the most recent flu jab -- I don't even like sitting at same table in restaurant w/them nor greeting hugs/good byes.

  • enoughisenough

    LV101 -you are right not to want to sit at same table can get sick from the shedding. There is a 3 video series by a doctor on it on youtube and a lot of the comments are people giving their experience of getting sick after being around the vaxxed...I didn't watch it close enough to know if there is a time window when they are more likely to shed after the shots. Slimboyfat-so injury and death is the net benefits for untold numbers....I think a lot of people who have taken the jabs are in the same sort of denial many are when they wake up to WT and realize what fools they were made.

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