i definately had nothing to do with it!
YELLOW RIBBON : Show your support!
by email 118 Replies latest social current
I just came across this thread and I can't belive all the fuss and RESTRICTIONS that are being placed on posts concerning support for OUR troops in Iraq. This is absolutely ridiculous!! I also wonder how differently you; who are NOT from the US or Britain, would feel if this were YOUR country at war. I doubt very seriously that you would feel the same or be using these lame excuses; for why posting a yellow ribbon is not appropriate. There is NOTHING wrong with what E-mail suggested. Showing our support and HOPES that they all return home SAFELY: THAT is WRONG and we aren't allowed to show our wishes and concerns?!?!?!?!?!?!
I think your suggestion was a very nice thing to do. This ONE is to show my feelings on the matter.
I respect your rules and regulations and won't post anymore. I truely feel that it is everyones right to express there feelings and opions. This is America and we have the right to Freedom of speech!!