I never post on political/war posts normally, but I just have something to say, just this once.
I don't like this war. I don't like the idea of death - I don't want to die - I don't want others to die.
But I think I can understand why those from the US would get upset at their flag being altered. To the Americans, the flag represents so much. Children are taught to respect it. As a JW, I read much about young children saluting the flag in the US and I always found this difficult to get my head around.
I think, because most on this board were once JWs, we don't realise the importance of the Stars & Stripes. In the UK, we are proud of the Union Jack, but we rarely fly it, mainly because to do so would leave you open to accusations of being a member of the NF (but that's another story). I do not understand how anyone can be attached to a flag, but I respect the views of those that think it is important. Maybe if I had been brought up as a US citizen, I too would be outraged by any attempt to alter the US flag. I really don't know. But to say that patriotic people are over-reacting is just glossing over the issue. I don't understand what it is to be American and I don't pretend I understand everything about their culture, but I do respect them. I respect all cultures. I have my own which I am proud of, yet those from other cultures can so easily be flippant about things that are dear to me, without realising it. I don't hold it against them, but I would bring it to their attention if I felt strongly enough about it.
The fact that even one person was upset about what was done to the US flag is enough for me. I don't understand it, but I respect it.
Just my opinion