My sister is diametrically opposite of me. She will jumped into field service, will not skip any meeting and book study and became almost new born christian, extremely pious and strict to kids. She will throw away anything that she considers demonic. The expectation are high, but once the disappointment settle in because she wants "A" to arrive right now, apathy will settle in. Her visits to KH will be irregular and she will stop doing field service. This will last for year or so until next personal crisis (marriage, job, money, kids), and instead solving them, she flocks back to KH where she see explanation for her problem. She thinks that her problems were cause not being regular JW. And cycles repeats.
I think she went to mountains because she was in field service through October and I bet kids were getting agitated. I called her twice and she did not want to talk because she was preaching with elderette. Since it was October 31, and Armageddon nowhere on sight; kids restless and angry that they did not had any fun, she went out with them for the weekend. Her in-laws have cottage in Carpathian Mountains, so she could crash with kids there.