A call from family - Armageddon this month!

by kaik 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StarTrekAngel
    Good one blondie. Need to keep that in mind for when that question comes.

    However, this call was not about mom or my nieces or nephews, but about Armageddon starting this month!

    Image result for don't miss itImage result for Armageddon Logo

  • Captain Schmideo2
    Captain Schmideo2

    The next time I hear this, I will challenge: "I will wager you a dollar against me mowing your lawn in Paradise for 2000 years that it will not happen."
    Of course, JW's don't bet, but....

  • Vidiot
    "The Apocalypse... coming soon to a planet near you..."
  • Tenacious

    If I hear any of this in my area or from anyone, I'll bet them the house.

    It reminds me of the KM that said that year's Memorial might be the last one.

  • ShirleyW

    Tiki - Does you mom still think she's living in the new Paradise?

    That's funny how they always preach doom and gloom is just around the corner, but if you ask them about the scripture that says "no man knows the day or hour" they agree with that too!! These folks need to wake up and listen to how they talk out of both sides of their mouths, but we know that will never happen.

  • kaik

    I hearing this hype on "A" since June of this year. My cousins, mom, niece, siblings. They live in different cities and go to different KHs. So I am curious who is pushing this BS because I cannot find anything official. I can ask these two, I know them since HS. The elderette went to the same school as I did, and she is just two three years older then me. Her dad was extremely zealot, ultraconservative elder. Somewhere someone is steering up these expectations.

    Meanwhile, Halloween is in couple weeks, and I am getting my decoration ready. Our neighborhood is overrun with kids, as everyone is Gen-X/Gen-Y. I wonder what my siblings will say in November 1st.

  • RobertT18
    That was pretty funny. Poor people, my mother is the same, keeps saying that the end is imminent and that the signs are more clear than crystal water.
  • jwfacts
    You are really not interested in returning to Jah, WT, KH? I answered if they will continue worshiping WT after October 31?

    Great response. Every time a Jw says the end is about to come they need to be pulled up and asked "what will you do when it doesn't?" Make them put their money where their mouth is and commit to what they preach.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    Get them to make statements to you, in a way that they will remember, that they will regret in as short a time as possible.

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