Why are you here?
An excellent question for you to ponder!
by EndofMysteries 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Why are you here?
An excellent question for you to ponder!
If ISIS continues to grow in power and numbers, them attacking Israel, would resemble Gog / Magog attacking Israel quite a bit.
Imagine God,reigning fire down on ISIS and destroying them all.
There was a Rabbi named Judah Ben Samuel, who predicted with accuracy what would happen to israel over a 500 year period.. It's a good read for skeptics and non skeptics.
Totally agree!!!
People don't realise that one of the prophecies not yet fulfilled about Jesus is that God would give Him the throne of his father David - one of the first things said about Jesus, right before he was born, when Gabriel was announcing his birth.
The small rock that would distroy all other kingdoms is Israel ruled by Jesus.
This is one of the points that jw's get wrong.
Why on earth would a god protect Israel over any other country? What has Israel done to help the planet that many other countries aren't also doing? Like any other country, Israel does what is best for Israel. They've committed genocide like most other countries have. They have no special moral superiority over other peaceful, law abiding countries.
It makes me laugh how as a witness, the Jewish religion somehow played a central role in my belief system, even though Israel has absolutely no modern day connection to the bible, or salvation from god. They killed their own leader for Christ's sake (pun intended).
If Japan were attacked and surrounded by the Koreas and China, and faced imminent destruction, would god step in and help out? Would there be some holy kamikaze to bail them out? I think not. What makes the Israelis so special?
Don't misunderstand me, I would love to visit Israel and its rich culture and sights, as I would like to visit many other countries. I'd also support Israel from the desert rats trying to blow them up. I absolutely believe Israel has the right to exist and thrive in peace and should be helped by its allies to fend off aggression. But central to bible prophecy? Some people leave the "truth", but never stop being conspiracy theory loving witnesses.
Removed comment because I did not carefully read Bonsai's post. Sorry.
Some Orthodox Jewish groups do not recognize Israel. On the other hand, Israel has one of the highest percentage of people who are consider themselves atheists in the world. Israel is also a home of many other religions and nationalities who predate the creation of the modern Israel state. Syrian, Armenia, and Greek Orthodox churches exist there for centuries. So it is very multicultural country. There are 5.5 million religious Jews in USA and another million or two who are not affiliated with any Jewish organization.
As Bonsai said above. Israel is one of many states on the this planet. It has its responsibility for its citizens from security to economy. Whatever pertained to ancient era is much irrelevant to day to day living of its citizens, who need job security, economy, social nest, as well military check against potential terrorists. Very a few people are aware that in past 15 years there were widespread strikes or demonstrations in Israel due economic problem, unemployment, cost of living, and corruption.