In Carroll's book, " from eternlty to here", the observation is made, that sequences recurring in unrelated fields can reveal deeper underlying common truth. case in point: William Herschel, the composer and discoverer of "Uranus" aka George's Star, could have said to himself : Hm-- Hym-- Those octave organ pipes are always the double length of the previous one. Funny, -- Uranus, my baby, pride and joy, is double the distance from Saturn,compared to Jupiter, and that spacing is double from Jupiter, and that double from Ceres, and that double from Mars, and that double from Earth, and that double from Venus, -- The Solar system's orbits measurements surely look like organ pipes, oboe's wind length, harpsicord strings, ---but It took Gregory, Titius & Bode to publish that, and wave and resonance theories are surely part of physics, cosmology's future. and it is all in the laws/energy package that came through the beginning, a point in time. It is divine, if you enjoy music. great vibes. music of the planetary field, in addition to the orbital timing resonances, the quiet areas aka lagrangian points-----PS:
so: bringing c into that picture shows what cosmic time ings correspond to the length. surely a valid conjecture, and: allow me to remind you to remain on topic: Using the analogy of the planetary field as a dance floor: The sun, and the moon/earth pair, rotate in unison ~ 28.5 days per revolution. 99.9%of the mass, including the all important biomass.