This is an example of irrational response to the plain voice of scripture. All for the sake of maintaining a doctrine not taught in the Bible but borrowed from paganism. You're converting no one.
You and Russell are out of your minds on this point. Yall don't convert anyone with an ounce of common sense.
Or, do you wish to make a false universal doctrine out of yet another philosophical statement "under the sun" from Ecclesiastes ?
"money is the answer for everything” (Ecclesiastes 10:19)
Why don't you believe that vienne? Ummm?
The writer of Ecclesiastes ultimately rejects a carnal point of view ("under the sun") as striving after wind.... the one you (selectively) embrace. People want to believe that when they die there is no consciousness because they believe there is some comfort in that. Jesus is the ONLY source of comfort .... ever.... not some fake hope of unconsciousness.The reality is that Jesus taked over and over again about consciousness after death.
Every person ever born will be conscious forever. Jesus really wanted people to get this, if they got nothing else.
No Bible character places more stress on hell as the final consequence of God’s judgment for unatoned sin than Jesus. God’s Son was the greatest theologian on hell.
Jesus was the one who compared hell to the Valley of Hinnom near Jerusalem,thus “Gehenna” took hold as a name for hell. He also compared it to prison and to outer darkness. It was he who likened hell to “a fire” at least twenty different times.
“Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in Him” (John 3:14-15).
Jesus invites everyone to spend eternity with Him instead.
He stated that he would die of his own free will and resurrect himself to show that he knew what he was talking about. I think I'll take him at his word. He is not someone that would mislead people, he is the TRUTH.