Number of Muslims protesting London terrorist attack = ZERO. Number of Muslims protesting forced Mosque closure in France = HUNDREDS

by kpop 233 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bohm

    To the people who voted down my previous post about the fallacy of composition. I hope one of those brave souls would explain if they voted down my post because it is somehow not the fallacy of composition to say "Muslims do X" when plainly only a subset of Muslims do X, or because they simply think it is an inconvenient point.

    I am going to assume the later...

  • bohm

    One could say the Muslims are imitating what the Trump supporters did after the Quebec Mosque attack by a Trump supporter.

    Not that I don't think a demonstration against religiously/politically motivated violence would be a good thing in either case.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    Actually, The Crusades were launched in response to an appeal for help by the (Christian) Byzantine Emperor. He was facing encroachment by the Seljuk Turks into his eastern territories (modern day Turkey). Unable to contain the threat entirely on his own, the emperor appealed for help from Western Europe. The First Crusade was raised in direct response to that call.

    However, the crusaders showed little inclination to deal with the Seljuk Turks. Instead, they marched on from Constantinople (modern day Istanbul), intent on carving out empires for themselves in the Near East. Rather than helping their fellow Christians in Constantinople, a later crusade even sacked that city, delivering to the Byzantine Empire a blow from which it never recovered.

    Crusader rule in the Near East was even more heavy-handed than that of the Muslim (Arab) rulers they supplanted. This was especially true of their treatment of the local Christian communities, which were quite significant in number. Brutality on the part of The Crusaders was only exceeded by that of the Mongols, who invaded the Near East several centuries later. These Mongol armies themselves contained a number of Christians, mainly from the Nestorian branch of Christianity.

    Of course, excesses on the part of "Christian" Crusaders and others in no way excuse acts of terrorism, such as we have just witnessed in Westminster.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    "A bad Muslim" [beneath a photo of Maajid Nawaz] - this guy needs police protection for his own safety.

    When he posted a picture of the Jesus and Mo t-shirt on his FB page, he received death threats.

    Many Muslims view him as a bad Muslim; many others view him as an apostate.

  • bohm


    What is your point? Do you think he is a bad muslim?

  • freemindfade

    Masjid is one of the good ones (by western values) but a bad one (by islamists standards). He is a tangible case of how Islam not just another religion.

  • rebel8
    Here in Canada we have Justin Trudeau who's government is backing moves to make criticism of Islam a crime.

    So I looked that up, and what the actual f....!! I officially don't like him anymore.

    One useful feature of Christianity is the ability to stop Islam. Atheists must consider this. The threat of Islam is real.

    That is like replacing vanilla ice cream with chocolate ice cream and claiming we are now free of milk allergies. How about we work towards eliminating the actual problem (religion) instead of replacing it with a different flavor? Atheists do recognize that the threat of vanilla and chocolate are real.

    How would you like it if random strangers hated YOU just because your former religion condones shunning and letting babies die by refusing them blood? Would YOU like to be blamed for all the damage JWs cause?

    That random stranger is dead right, and we are all to blame for our own voluntary actions and for supporting bad acts voluntarily.

  • bohm
    Masjid is one of the good ones (by western values) but a bad one (by islamists standards).

    Well, the question is not which standards some people use, but which standards we should use.

    Do you agree with Simon that:

    That's the big difference with Islam - to be a good Muslim you have to be a butcher and a rapist.
  • freemindfade

    When we stop associating ideas with groups (left, right, atheist, christian etc) we can deal with them individually. The problem is too many consider healthy criticism of Islam a "conservative" idea so they reject it because it belongs to the wrong team. Plenty of smart liberals are sick of this crap.

    Thinking Islam is a pile of crap belongs to no group but thinking people.

  • bohm

    "Here in Canada we have Justin Trudeau who's government is backing moves to make criticism of Islam a crime. "

    So I looked that up, and what the actual f....!! I officially don't like him anymore.

    Can I see a verifiable link to this? It would be a very big set back for free speech in Canada...

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