Part of the problem is that the "blind patriots" get all the press. They are the ones making a spectacle of themselves and we all know how much the news loves sensationalism. However, that is not America in general. I believe, in general, most Americans just want to be left alone. They want to make decent money and just "live". Now most other parts of the world don't get these luxuries/freedoms so they are basically playa hatin. I'm an American but I don't think this is the greatest country on Earth. Why? Because I haven't been to any other country. Any person who makes that claim and has not visited anywhere else is full of shit. They are saying it to make themselves believe it and feel better. However, based on the news (yeah, it's biased) I would have to say that we are doing pretty damn good. Despite the turn to a police state with the Patriot Acts we are still doing better than the majority of the world. We have some serious problems here, namely our pathetic educational system, but I think we'll get through them just fine. Although, I think we are raising an entire generation of ignorant kids but that is another topic. This country has its share of blind patriots who are willing to close their eyes to any Government indescretion. Clinton had his and now Bush has his rabid followers as well. I do see a trend in patriotic Ad Hominim attacks. With the war, I'm a frustrated American who has to deal with my own countrymen calling me unpatriotic because I don't support Bush. Which has led me to the conclusion that there is at least two types of patriotism.
Personal Patriotism:
The type of patriotism that is personal and holds the belief that you are proud to be a citizen of your country.
Political Patiotism:
The type of patriotism used for personal gain or to align yourself with a group in order to be part of the group.
With this war raging I see tons of Political Patriotism and most of it is aimed at anyone who may not share the same ideas as those in power. I think that this is the type of Patriotism that gets the press and is what the rest of the world gets to see. Sen. John Kerry made a comment about the U.S. needing a "regime change". It was an obvious political ploy and at the very least in poor taste. Instantly, he's being called unpatriotic. This is political patriotism at its finest because unlike Bush, who dodged Vietnam, Kerry was actually a part of that war and put his life on the line for America. As far as I'm concerned, calling a fellow citizen unpatriotic because you don't agree with them is in itself unpatriotic.
That's my rant and I won't be correcting any spelling because I'm tired.
of the tired as hell class.