Maybe some Americans (don't want to generalise here!) could use some tact when they are declaring how wonderful America is, America is the greatest, everyone should be grateful for America, etc etc. It is this type of patriotism (trying to get back to the original topic!) that comes across as in-your-face, my-country-right-or-wrong patriotism that turns gives America (and Americans) a bad name. As I stated in my original post, it does come across as ignorant because I don't believe Americans have the same opportunities to experience/learn what other countries have to offer, so in that case, how can they logically declare that America is the bestest country in the whole wide world?
I challenged your position and the actual "points" you made.
Hmm, y-e-a-h. By asking me what I knew about American history? How does that prove that America is the greatest country in the world, compared to other countries? If you claim that it would prove how little I know about your country, then most likely it would prove that I know much more about the history of your country than you do about mine. How many history programmes on Australian history have you watched? How many books on Australian history would you have read in your lifetime? And not just you, but Americans in general?