Sir82 and Vidiot are ohhh so correct. It seems they want the fence sitters gone. Only the most loyal wanted. It seems they are trying to reduce the numbers on purpose.
Are they either leaving or going full on 'cult mode'? No quarter.
by punkofnice 60 Replies latest watchtower bible
I think all the evidence is that people are leaving and the cult is trying to figure out ways of keeping them in but are unable to really be effective do to the fact that thier a freaking cult!
Brokeback Watchtower
I agree that we should expect I think a healthy number having serious reservations about the way things are going and start planning to jump ship carefully so as not to get DF'd by these haywire greedy corporate executive's running God's Organization on earth.
I think we got probably a three way split if we figure in the silent types who are terrified of being found out who very cautiously fade because they are in fear and don't trust anyone right now who in time my relax their guard because of gaining some distance from the cult.
cha ching
With the "important people" being "comfortable in Warwick", if they get the 'inevitably' enough people to leave, they can keep selling off K Halls, pay for the comfy rest of their lives, and the "next gen" can figure out their own scheme to keep things going! Right?!
Is it just me and my imagination? Have others noticed this?
My opinion, and this is just logical reasoning, is that the Internet has open a door for all JWs who are in doubt and those ex-JWs to find each other and compare notes. Seems like the JW police does lurk around and seems to be catching up with people who are fading. I think they are aware of what people are doing when they start missing meetings, and they don;t want to make it easy for people.
You'd figure with the latest crazy talk, a lot of members are not going to be able to give the GB what they covet so badly; loyalty. It doesn't belong to them anyway like so many other things they demand be attributed to themselves.
Plus that overlapping generation thingy is just plain dumb. They want to redefine themselves into Kings on Earth but can't with all those old timers hanging around that know about the date, policy, and doctrine switching of the past 50 yrs. These are the ones that "fade" ... they know too much and gotta be bumped off.
Playing witness advocate:
This is fulfilment of the prophecy Jesus gave about love of the greater number cooling off.(or will mean this at some point if they want it to)
There you have the witness cycle of reasoning keeping people from waking up. The GB has a lot of angles covered so I wouldn't get too hopeful.
Any brush with the witness world brings reality back. It's still just as crazy and powerful as when it had us all under it's trance.
Having read all the previous posts here , if they are trying to get rid of the fence sitters and old timers , and those who hedged their bets by getting an education and a good paying job ( thankfully I was one of those )
then I can agree with bradford`s post above about "the love of the greater number cooling off" before the end comes .
They could milk that for another decade or two.
The information freely available on the net is their Achilles' heel.
GB don't "want" people to leave. (Just like an abusive father/husband doesn't want his enabling wife and kids to leave) They want people to "shape up" to their man made self serving rules and standards. But increasingly people don't want to and see less reason why they should as all the promises made have been overtaken by time.
So the GB try to guilt trip, bully and scare them into staying. Increasingly stridently so this year with their "loyalty" message. And they portray Jehovah as an abusive heavenly father as they have made him in their own abusive, controlling image.
Old hippie - you are such an intellect. You contribute nothing to the site apart from pathetic sarcasm. ...and you are such a coward that you won't even respond. Please apologise for your asinine comments.
If you were had read what I said, at no time did I claim it was truth, I was asking a question.
Goodbye and apart from an apology for your sarcasm, never post on my threads ever again, please.