I really want her to hear this at an assembly for herself so she can 'meditate' over the 'winsome words' that are being spoken. Phats.
Are they either leaving or going full on 'cult mode'? No quarter.
by punkofnice 60 Replies latest watchtower bible
Iown Mylife
Hi Phats,
No, i don't know - i've been reading articles on this forum about how the dubs are getting new instructions- to show loyalty to the org by shunning ones who have been absent from preaching or meetings. The new gestapo methods. It's like, Do your friends a favor, spy on them. If they are less than zealous and loyal, then start the shunning. The culprits will either straighten up or get outta Dodge!
Probably the elders don't have time to process and eject all the new doubters and draggers. They want the congregation to just police themselves.
The one about shunning is on Friday
Phats you have probably seen this video:
It may appeal to your 14 year old.
Brave high school student exposes abuse and corruption within Jehovahs witnesses
Thanks, Crazyguy. Do you know the session on Friday this talk is given?
Thanks Giordano, That's amazing.
punkofnice, well you know how Americans are about British accents. I don't know why, but we just love them! Half the reason for watching British shows is the accent! :)
Sevan - Thank you. I've been asked to keep talking by American cousins before, 'just say anything...talk...' I find it heartwarming.
Phats - Is jwfacts.com of any use to you?
Thanks Punkofnice,
I've checked out JWServey & that has some good info for me. (Friday afternoon) is the one I've chosen.
Thank you for your help. I watched your videos & I must say I do feel your frustration at the wrongness of the Borg
I've struggled with containing my distain for the borg & I do all I physically & mentally can to not allow it in but sometimes when my wife comes home with some "great" news about what's going on at the meetings a lot of the old feelings come back. It's the same when we are visiting family where me & my wife come from. I am fully surrounded by top brass (congregation level only not higher) as most of my family are still SUPER in & it tears me up inside, even after 10 years. I'm still paranoid I'm going to get rumbled for doing nothing wrong & I'm just hoping it won't happen until my mother STAUNCH as staunch can be for the last 65 years is dead. Anyway. You keep your dignity well & do so much to help others. Thank you Brother Punk. Phats.
thanks Phats. One does one's best..................it's an up hill struggle at times. It hurts when ou see ones you love in the grip of 7 vile snots in Brooklyn.