Are they either leaving or going full on 'cult mode'? No quarter.

by punkofnice 60 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • flipper

    Hey PUNK- Really great thread topic. Love your you tubes man, great job.

    I really believe with the WT Society amping up the FEAR and GUILT levels at the RC's through the use of that ridiculous " bunker " video - that the JW's that are deeply mind controlled already by the cult will get pushed even deeper into their mind controlled state and turn into REAL freaks- even freakier than they've been - full on cult mode , ratting each other out , shunning inactive ones- the whole enchilada . They'll get worse in their behavior.

    As for those who already are having cracks of doubt in their JW armor - I believe those cracks will start to widen as they see the WT Society telling them to give, give , give more in ways of monetary contributions - but they see the GB laying off Bethel workers, shutting down construction or repairs on Kingdom halls , selling off land or Kingdom halls on that land and forcing people to consolidate in bigger numbers in Kingdom halls where they have to drive 30 or 45 minutes to in order just to attend a freaking meeting ! This is starting to happen in places.

    My JW daughter's JW husband opened up to me about that very thing- worried his elders are going to sell their Kingdom hall or the land claiming there is NO money available for repairs - and this caused my son in law to shake his head in confusion. My son in law expressed that he doesn't want to travel 30 to 45 minutes one way just to get to a meeting. I believe he is starting to miss some meetings here and there - so we will see what happens.

    So I agree with your opening post and others. The more mind controlled a JW is- this current info will drive them deeper into the mind controlled state , if a JW already has doubts , the cracks of doubts will start to widen and in time more will eventually leave. Kind of how I see it at present. Take care my music buddy

  • phats

    Hi Guys,

    Not wanting to redirect anything here as this is all great but could anyone please give me some advise. My 18 year old is already out (For 2 years) but my Wife (Extremely loyal to the borg) & starting to struggle with the BS 14 year old daughter are going to the Bournemouth assembly. I wanted to suggest to my daughter that she rights down all the points in a talk & then when she gets back we can study it & see what's really being said. The questions is. Dose anyone know a good talk that will give me good material to work with so she can start getting some amnumission to help her start to fade? Please. This would help. Phats.

  • nmthinker

    Phats if you know your bible then it is easy to pick apart any of the JW teachings. The bible is not so complicated it cannot be read by the common man. I suggest you get a decent bible translation (I like the NIV) and start reading on your own. I like the Beroean Pickets site for reasoning on the scriptures on many topics -

    Good luck!

  • Crazyguy

    Phats just use the bible and concentrate on the love parts and all who believe in Christ are saved. There a ton of scriptures stating that if you believe or just support Christians your saved and even gods sons. Show also all the parts about how it's all about love with Jesus and to even love your enemies.

    I think if this can be shown this will go along way. People in general don't want to think of thier fellow man in the negative light the cult put them in.

  • phats

    I was a born in, Married to a born in, read the bible through & through & now in my mid 50s

    The reason was to give my daughter some good ammunition for when she chooses to start her fade.

    When she goes to the meetings & assemblies with my wife she just zones out so when I do talk to her she really doesn't know what it's all about. She just goes to support her mum as my wife gets very upset when she stays home.

    If someone knows of a Corker of a talk I can ask her to concentrate on that & make notes so we can go through it together with critical thinking. Phats.

  • phats

    I would rather bash the Borg than just the bible. Done that loads over the last 10 years since I managed to escape. Phats.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Well this new instruction to shun inactives and ones who miss meetings does seem radically different from just a few years ago. They are saying if you know someone is not turning in time and/or missing meetings, just to go ahead and shun them, even though the elders have not investigated what's going on with them.

    They used to say all the time that it wasn't up to regular publishers to decide on their own, to start shunning someone! Wait on Jehovah, and treat everyone well unless the ELDERS SAY different - isn't that the way it was?


  • Crazyguy

    Not suggesting you bash the bible maybe just use the interlinear to show how they changed a lot of it in thier bible. As far as talks all the videos are on YouTube so you can review them and pick out one that best suits you. The video about the boy being told not to go to higher learning to be better at playing the violin maybe a good one. Easy to pick apart all the crap in that one.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Moving out of the status quo is the smart way to go. Stasis is no good. Either, lose members and have more real estate for sale, or grow...yeah... right.

  • phats

    Thanks Iown Mylife. Do you know when that talk is given, Day & time? Phats.

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