Punk, I have noticed that. There do not seem to be any reasonable, middle of the road types here locally. Congregation has shrunk over 50% and what's left is the full-on, can't think for themselves cult types, that watch everyone else like a hawk. This congregation is a paranoid and desperate place. No surprise that these types can't seem to get or keep a job in the real world.
Are they either leaving or going full on 'cult mode'? No quarter.
by punkofnice 60 Replies latest watchtower bible
The religion has been dumbing down its doctrines and teachings and understanding of the bible over the last 10 years. This dumbing down policy is alienating the intelligent rank and file and making it hard for them to stay. Hard to stay humble and loyal when you are constantly being treated like a 10-year old.
Only those who are desperate or dependent financially on the JW community are staying.
Sorry, I just couldn't resist saying..............
Iown Mylife
Hi Punky!!! love the vids, glad you posted.
A thought I had when you were saying things used to be more relaxed, not so black/white as now: Back then I perceived an overall feeling that everyone had their own boundaries and rights, in the congregation. Like there was a recognition that "unity" meant being our own person, but agreeing with the main beliefs, like the kingdom government.
I heard this a lot, when first joining in the mid 80s: Jehovah's organization has room for all sorts of people.
So yes I agree with you, what the official guidelines and innuendos have become recently, really are different from 30 years ago.
Thanks Marina.
It certainly seems to have ramped up to more crazy than ever before.
punkofnice, is that you in the videos? I like the accent!
Sevan - Yes, tis I
Occasionally I look in on a facebook friend that is in the organization. She lives in California and I live in Texas. She does not know that I have left the organization. Her facebook entries are full of travel pictures and parties. Rarely does she ever mention anything related to the WT.
It is simply a social organization for many, and they would not know what to do without it. I would love to know how she feels about the "call to action" for the ones who are not zealous enough for the GB, but I figure she would unfriend me if I asked, so I just observe from a distance.
One has to wonder, then, what does WT leadership see for itself, if this is the general strategy taken...
This course of action is pretty much a backhanded admission that the days of growing the org are over. Can't march forward. Time to circle the wagons and hold on to what we've got.
Time is not on their side, and they know it. If they were sincerely deluded, wouldn't they be rolling the dice and betting the house that YHVH was going to make it all right? Is the hand of Jehovah short?
These are the actions of people who know better than to expect divine intervention on their behalf. These are the actions of people who don't believe their own bull****.
I hope lurkers read this and realize that the JW ORG doesn't even believe what they're selling...so why should you? -
Looking from the outside- the videos at the convention are more manipulative than almost anything I've seen.
I don't think they're trying to drive anyone out. They just long for the good Ole days in the 50s when Armageddon was right around the corner, millions were showing up for their 8 day conventions, and true believers were abundant.
They've been chasing that ever since.