
by teejay 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    Here is more than you ever wanted to no about Vern Howell aka David Koresh.

    * http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/waco/davidkoresh.html

    * http://www.rickross.com/groups/waco.html

    * http://www.rickross.com/reference/waco9.html

    Former cult members said Howell tells the men that they will get their perfect mates in heaven. Each man's mate will come from his rib, as Eve came from Adam. On earth, though, all the women, even those married, are meant for Howell.

    btw, the word woman, for ole Vern, seemed to included 14 year old, perhaps even younger, girls.

    hmmm, nice work if you can get it. Hey Wendy, tell your old man to get his gun and keep watch for unspiritual people who don't understand my sixy godhood whilst you and I study the song o' Solomon in your bedroom.


    I never said that everything is a conspiracy. Come on, Six.. play fair!! I really believe that we are not far from having the very same opinion, both of Koresh and McVeigh, only in relative degree of evil, if it could be measured on a scale somehow.

    You are probably right about that, and I am trying to play fair. It's just this one...this one seems so straightforward. In fact, the idea that it engraged an asshole like McVeigh makes it seem all the more straightforward. A bad situation ended badly. It doesn't mean that it was all avoidable if the mean ole gov had just not trampled on Verns rights. 'Cause frankly, he had no right. (to be doing most of what he was doing)

    I believe that most of the Davidians, if not every single one (including Koresh) simply wanted to be left alone to worship their god as they saw fit.

    Maybe, but the "way they saw fit" is unacceptable for society as a whole on many levels. Much like JW's. On some levels, the unacceptability is actionable on the part of society as a whole. In the case of JW's, think court action to remove a child from parents who want to sacrifice it's life for a twisted interpretation of scripture. I think it is a good thing when society takes action against these groups. I didn't have exactly the same view a short time ago, I am embarrassed to admit.

    The platitudes of religionists (JWs included) that all the evil is just a part of some Grand Scheme and that at some future time of his design he'll make things all rosy rings more and more hollow the longer I live. On that I'm thinking you and I are in full agreement. If I've ever had an epiphany, that's the one I had that day when that nice Christian lady told me that God loves us while we were overshadowed by a nine-story office building with its northern face ripped off, where 168 innocent people spent their last seconds of life, all while "God" watched. The hell he does!

    It did not strike me that way at the time, but just in the last 6 months, when it did strike me, I think "epiphany" is a good word for this realization. Now we can move on to being a full grown human.

    Peace and freedom to you, my brother.

  • TMS

    I saw the sadness in McVeigh's eyes.

    My first view of the OK Cty disaster was in a second hand store on a used black and white TV they were trying to sell. Surreal. My son was disfellowshipped at the time and bears a striking resemblance to T. McV. Same age, appr.

    Yes, I am a Razorback at heart.

    Jehovah was not responsible for that blast.


  • crossroads

    Teejay-we are on much the same wave length.
    But I must add three men to your list all from the
    "greatest generation" Stalin-Rosevelt[whom some
    consider are best president] and FRANZ. This man
    had more power and control over more peoples lives
    then David-Charlie and Jim all combined.

    Six-didn't you say the government had no other chioce?
    They could have waited them out know?
    Seems to me Tim's act of revolution did have a
    good affect on the government. The last time something
    like Waco happened the government assembled and
    waited and waited and waited and in the end the people
    walked out without a fight no bloodshed. Hmmm how
    many people did Tim's act save there?

    Being on the wrong side of the fence does not make one
    wrong or evil. Being that you don't have might does not
    make one wrong.

    What I really wish is that Bosnia had stealth bombers
    when the good ol' US was ethicncally cleansing the
    west of Indians. Try ' white' washing that one for me
    will you.

  • SixofNine

    I'm just going to retreat to my compound now. I don't want any trouble.

  • crossroads

    Six please be careful the government might come in
    the middle of the night

  • teejay


    i'm with crossroads... please lay low. if it's God's will,
    we'll meet again soon.

    say your prayers. ya never know who's listening....

    peace, Bro

  • mommy

    LOL thanks that was funny. My sisters used to say I was the spitting image of a verse in Song of Solomon it was 8:8.
    Of course now that you know this you may change your mind

    I just want to give a shout out to Teejay aka Todd. I am really touched by your views on this subject.

  • teejay


    >>I am really touched by your views on this subject.

    gosh, i hope that doesn't mean that you might agree
    with some of what i said....

    agreeing with me is one of the first signs of dementia, ya
    know. what a pity. and so young! so vibrant! so much
    potential!!! ;-)


  • d0rkyd00d

    this may have nothing to do with the previous post, but nobody seemed as saddened when two nuclear bombs were dropped over japan. One bomb wiped out over 50,000 people. I didn't see as many mourners then. Is killing tens of thousands of innocent people any way to avenge the lives lost at Pearl Harbor? I think not.

    "No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."

  • teejay


    you realize, of course, that those that died in those two Asian
    cities had one fatal flaw...

    they weren't Americans.

    collateral damage, you understand.

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