Rocketman, I hear ya
Do You Think Trump Is Done?
by minimus 83 Replies latest jw friends
Regardless of his inability to win, Trump will surely announce he will run for president again and help destroy the Republican party. He won't do it for that reason. He will run because he loves rallies where people hang on every utterance of his and he needs the money.
I'm resurrecting this thread as it seems the one with the most appropriate title.
So, Donald Trump is now officially facing criminal charges more serious than those levelled against him so far. The counts are:
- Conspiracy to defraud the United States
- Conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding
- Obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding
- Conspiracy against rights
Are these charges what the indictment alleges, an indication that Trump "was determined to stay in power" and "spread lies" in order to try to do so?
Or are they, as Trump's team claim, "un-American witch hunts" and "the latest corrupt chapter in the continued pathetic attempt [...] to interfere with the 2024 Presidential Election"?
And whether you think the charges have justification or not, do you think it will derail Trump's re-election campaign? Or make him stronger? Or neither?
Assuming he's guilty of the charges against him are true, the fact that he'll still be voted in and supported by people just goes to show what a shit state USA has turned out to be.
Assuming he's innocent of the charges against him are true, the fact that the ''state'' is against him just goes to show what a shit state the USA has turned out to be.
So sad.
I'd happily see him drop any pretense of a Presidential run and go away. But I do think that the charges are a witch hunt, meant to prevent him from winning another term. How that will turn out is anyone's guess. I don't even think it is necessary. His most ardent supporters will vote for him no matter what, but he has probably lost so much mainstream support that his only role would be to split the Republican vote. If he is completely removed from the picture, the 2024 election might be Biden vs DeSantis, and I think DeSantis wins that contest. Possibly by a landslide.
I thought Trump's political career was over after the "grab them by the pussy" remark, but he proved to be resilient. I think he did a lot better than he'll be remembered for, but at this point he's little better than Biden- a broken-down old man who should spend the rest of his days in a rocking chair on the porch, with a glass of lemonade in his hand. Not running a nation with massive military, industrial, and economic power that is coming to a crossroads that will determine its long-term future.
Anony Mous
The charges are only there to distract from the continuous revelations from the Biden crime family. Every time there is a big revelation about direct corruption payments to Biden which is now his business partners testifying against Joe, the Biden DOJ scoops on another (weak) charge.
The question is whether the state can prove its case. So far all the evidence presented is very circumstantial if not outright legal practice. Remember, every President has private documents, Obama still has open disputes about classification for documents in his personal possession.
That being said, you will have an impeached President embroiled in legal hot water over corruption issues running against an ex-President embroiled in legal hot water over regulatory issues. Get your pop corn.
As an old school conservative, I'd point out that there was a time when we were strict constructionists when it came to the rule of law and most especially, the Constitution.
Trump, who didn't know the difference between articles and amendments and who struggled to even read the document in public, came along and that all went out the window.
Okay, fine. You don't necessarily need a good grasp of law to be President, but if you don't then you need to listen to those who do.
In Trump's case this would have been people like Mike Pence, Bill Barr and others. Instead, he chose to listen to crackpots.
There's nothing trivial or circumstantial about the criminal indictments against Trump and those who believe that are listening to some of the same crackpots that Trump did.
This is a very low hanging piece of fruit at this point.
" do you think it will derail Trump's re-election campaign"
Sunk-cost. They'll vote for him. -
All the Democrat politicians hate him.
AT LEAST 50% of GOP politicians openly hate him and many more are afraid to admit that.
Any one who is that much of an "OUTSIDER" of the SWAMP has to be an improvement from a DC INSIDER.
He may actually win the REPUBLICAN primary. I expect he will do his best to drag out the court hearings until after the General election. At 77 he may get a stroke or Heart attack from the stress and Mcdonald's burgers by then.
Almost a third of the electorate is voting independent now.
At 80 Biden may be dead or comatose with dementia by the general election.
A battle between the grumpy old men. It is a toss-up this early.
340 MILLION AMERICANS and these two are the choice........ :(