Do You Think “Higher Education “Is All That??

by minimus 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • TD

    When you think about it, (At least when I think about it...) the JW faith from start to finish and top to bottom is a monument to the "What's all this fuss about education?" mindset.

    It's not just that their writers don't seem to understand what an equinox is:

    -Or what blood did in the body:

    -Or the difference between fission and fusion:

    -Or the difference between meiosis and mitosis:

    -Or the difference between canines and fangs:

    -Or the function of the heart:

    -Or speciation:

    - Or that animals eat exactly what they are adapted/designed to eat:

    -Or that dishonesty is not acceptable in matters of science:

    It's the harm this ignorance has caused....

  • jp1692

    As a high school teacher with multiple degrees, including a Masters of Education, I'm clearly biased in favor of higher education, but only because I have both personally enjoyed the many benefits that can come from it as well as seen them in many other people—family, friends, former students and even strangers.

    College isn't for everyone, but the fact is that for most people and most disciplines it will increase a person's employability, earning power and general life satisfaction as a result of their education.

    There are many reasons why everyone should seriously consider the merits of a college education:

    For example, a 2013 study based on Labor Department statistics showed that Americans holding a four-year college degree made 98% more per hour on average than those without a degree. - (CNN Money)

    More recently, according to 2015 data compiled by the Economic Policy Institute, "college graduates, on average, earned 56% more" than those who only have a high-school diploma (USA Today).

    Some will respond by pointing out the millionaire they know that never went to college or the barista with a PhD working at Starbucks. Those exceptions certainly exist, but only prove the point. College isn't for everyone, and anyone considering it should carefully choose their subject matter. A degree in medieval art history is not going to get anyone the kind of job offers that an MBA or an engineering degree will provide.

    Also, the critical and diverse thinking skills that higher education provides is worth much that cannot easily be evaluated in monetary terms.

    Learning to think critically and independently is invaluable in and of itself. The fact that cults (such as Jehovah's Witnesses) actively discourage higher education is evidence that they realize educated people are not so easily mislead or indoctrinated. So there's that!

    While we are at it, let's take some time to consider that finding a career or vocation is more than just work, but is actually meaningful and rewarding in more ways than just monetary:

    See also:

    • College Graduation: Weighing the Cost … and the Payoff - The issue of costs and rising student debt have have touched off a national debate about the cost and value of a college education. Surveys by the Pew Research Center present a portrait of the views of the general public and college graduates.
  • jp1692

    S&R: Higher education isn't for everyone, but from my experience it is the most life changing activity I have participated in.

    I completely and totally agree with this statement!

  • Giordano

    I agree with those who have experience in 'higher education' and are speaking the truth about this opportunity from their actual experiences.

    Those who make up crap that fit a personal agenda be it the far right or far left....... are worthless in the classroom or on a forum.

    When we were JW's we understood the thinking was done when the WT or Awake spoke. No need for higher education. No need to go on Satan's internet and check out a teaching. Being ignorant was a blessing.

  • Finkelstein

    An ironic and hypocritical fact ....... all of these religious organizations including the JWS that bemoan higher education, these people and their leaders will one day arrive at a Hospital to seek medical attention from people who had higher education.

    This includes the GB members of the JWS cult .

    Better yet for them they dont have to pay for their medical attention, the WTS pays for it.

  • RubaDub

    I think that a good high school education is better than a bad college education. Meaning, if a person learns in HS how to research and find what they are looking for, they are ahead of the curve.

    stillin ....

    I would disagree with you in many situations.

    When seeking a job, mortgage, personal business loan or in other financial situations, there is typically the question on how far you went with your education (high school, some college, college degree, graduate degree, etc.)

    In the case of finding a job, a college degree is often one of the prerequisites along with x number years experience in that field. But as time goes on, the college degree becomes less important since you can provide you accomplishments and experience in lieu of the degree.

    If you get into the trades, then no, college is not a requirement, but a trade school can be a big plus to get started. Sales often does not require a college degree, but to get your foot in the door it doesn't hurt, especially when competing against others who may have the paper in their hand. Again, as time goes on, the degree becomes less important compared to your accomplishments.

    Many professional jobs only interview new people with college degrees. Would you hire a person to be a financial analyst, auditor, human resource manager, engineer or other similar type of position with simply a high school degree? I don't think so, no matter what high school the person went to. High school simply does not cut it. To get your first job, a company may often ask for your transcripts from college showing your grades and which classes you took.

    Yes, you can get a very well-rounded education with self-study but proving that to others, especially early on in your career, can be a challenge.

    Rub a Dub

  • RubaDub

    jp1692 ...

    With your education, I am disappointed that you did not use the current 6th edition APA formatting of your references. I see no indentations.

    OK, OK, just kidding ... You make your points well and are very well thought out. The quote sandwich from the Economic Policy Institute supported your argument. Overall, excellent.

    (20 points of a possible 20 points)

    Rub a Dub

  • recovering

    I have a graduate degree, as do others on this site. I find it interesting ,that those who characterise higher education negativity, for the most part have not attended university. Furthermore those that feel that disagreement with faculty , is not tolerated , are sadly mistaken. Opposition opinions are not only tolerated, they are encouraged as part of the learning process. Yes, you may be asked to provide evidence to support your view. This may take the form of intensive questioning. It age old educational tool called the Socratic method. This is perhaps one of the best ways to teach critical thinking in my opinion.

  • stillin

    Rubadub, you're right. I was simply thinking about the love of knowledge being "truly" educated. Convincing others that I am educated is another matter. Plus, being self-taught doesn't round a person's knowledge out like "peer review" does.

    My biggest regret is that I didn't go to college when I had a chance. I took the bait from the Watchtower, hook, line and sinker. I had a decent high school education, dropped out of college, and I'm just consoling myself.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Other side is there are some full of themselves educated fools running around too. Watch TV news and note the poor grammar, misspellings, and plain ignorance. I am sure they all went to higher education.

    A well rounded education helps the human side in interaction with others; ao literature, arts and all do help doctors and engineers.

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