It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3066 Replies latest jw friends

  • Toblerone5
    Disgusting exploitation of his daughter just to beg for some views.

    Agree. By the way how old is she now , 9\ 10? I doubt he will be able to do those videos with her when she turn into a teenager. Then again he will just exploit his other daughter Julia...

    Plus how would he feel , if by exposing is daughter on Youtube, when she's like 14 , and an old pervo tried to contact her for some Sexting behind his wife back...😳 Never mind...

    And at the end of the video, she kept poking his dad face and he never told her to stop? ( I didn't think it was funny ,I did smile and hope it hurt yes😏, but laugh no )

    Seriously? This is how he's raising her ? Good luck when she turn into a teenager ! Idiot.

  • Thisismein1972

    Notice how he's has used an English version of this book. I thought it was from his in laws who I would imagine are Croatian and will speak and read their native tongue. I will Hazzard a guess even his children can speak Croatian, unless of course he banned them from speaking Croatian.

    Come on Lloyd, we know you are exploiting your daughters for more money. Cynical propaganda at it's worst.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    How is this any different from how JWs respond when their children are exposed to beliefs they view as false? Lloyd even brought out the Book of Bible Stories! You can’t script this!

    So Lloyd “had words” for the JW in-laws (I’m guessing in his broken Croatian?). Lloyd - have you ever listened to your daughter? She has very strong views that line up with yours and with that in mind, shouldn’t you have let Jessica unwitness to them?

    Jessica described it as a “big war” within the family, meaning of course Lloyd was making it into one. Lloyd immediately tried to correct her by saying he “had words”. It could be that Dijana didn’t like him speaking to her parents like that and felt she had it under control. That’s more likely what the “big war” was about.

    No, you had to take control by threatening people who, though misguided by their religion, do have a concern with how their grandchildren are being raised and with good reason - Lloyd and his manipulation and bully tactics. And we had better believe that he threatened them with not seeing them ever again. Who’s acting more like a JW? Who is actually threatening to tear family members apart from each other?

    The video was cringe. The daughter wanted to be silly and have fun. Lloyd frequently had to interrupt and/or ignore her comments in order to get to what HE wanted to talk about. His comments to her indicate this was not the first time he had gone over that book with her:

    Lloyd: Do you remember me explaining this picture to you?

    Jessica: He explained this to me

    The portion about paradise had me rolling in that Jessica was dead-on about where her father went:

    Jessica: If you want to see paradise you get on a plane and you land and you are in paradise!

    Lloyd: Places like that already exist and I said I know… (oh he knows quite well how to get to paradise)

    Lloyd, why don’t you tell her about how the plane dropped you in paradise so you can see the sex workers elephants?

    Finally, in what could be best described as a statement about who really raises them, Lloyd asks her about what she would do if granny ever said those things again.

    “I’d call Mummy!”

    Lloyd: “You’d call Mummy or Daddy…”

    This is how JWs parent children. Kids eat Christmas candy at school, it’s straight to the Book of Bible Stories about the Babylonian furnace. Lloyd stated that the book had traumatised him as a kid, but he is so emotionally retarded that he doesn’t see how he’s doing it again with them.

  • gavindlt

    I must say the video of his daughter was really bad form! Surely that’s a bit desperate!

  • slimboyfat

    Wow. Horrible. That’s pretty desperate. Don’t know what more to say.

  • Simon
    How can someone that comes from a culture of “beans on toast” criticize another country’s dishes?

    Sorry, but this crosses a line - beans on toast is the perfect quick / cheap food. Beans on toast, with cheese melted on top, and HP sauce is "chef kiss" good.

  • Simon
    Lloyd stated that the book had traumatised him as a kid, but he is so emotionally retarded that he doesn’t see how he’s doing it again with them.

    I don't think anyone was ever truly traumatized by that book. Have people not read traditional fairly stories, like Hansel and Gretel? They are freaky scary.

    Trying to make out you have some kind of PTSD due to it is pure hyperbole.

  • Diogenesister
    Trying to make out you have some kind of PTSD due to it is pure hyperbole.

    IKR🙄If you were really, truly traumatized by something you'd be a monster to expose your child to it. Jessica seemed to find it pretty entertaining all in all and thought "Wednesday" was more gorey (what Dad of a 9 year old girl doesn't know who Wednesday is? He's clearly not very involved🙄)

    I found it really uncomfortable watching Jessica being told what she must believe. I thought it was about encouraging kids to think for themselves?? Jessica is just as indoctrinated as any witness kid! As for causing a family "war", since his kids are living under Grandma's roof if I were her I'd tell him until he can provide for his family himself, he doesn't get to tell me what I can and cannot talk about in my own house!! It was just an offhand comment about paradise! She's not exactly marching Jessica down the kingdom hall!!

    I've also got a feeling Jessica is obfuscating what they learn about Jesus in school, too, because she's worried he'll go and make trouble there as well (she was quickly trying to lodge in they teach 'about science')

    She's cute as a button, though! Absolutely doesn't deserve her :/

  • Diogenesister

    What's with asking her if the "1970s clothing looked weird to her"?? I mean if they were wearing giant bell bottoms, George Clinton Funkadelic-style 10 inch stacked platforms and Elton John's giant sparkly glasses maybe.....But apart from a tank top (which is back in fashion by the way Lloyd) nothing was especially out of place🤔

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    As for causing a family "war", since his kids are living under Grandma's roof if I were her I'd tell him until he can provide for his family himself, he doesn't get to tell me what I can and cannot talk about in my own house!!

    This is an astute point. JW or not, people can say or think whatever the fuck they want under their own roof. Especially when they are elderly and have put up with his bullshit for years, all culminating in the current situation of a hopelessly broken family. I’d be like: “oh NOW you are concerned about your kids? I speak about my own views to my grandkids in the house I’ve lived in for decades and you threaten me by limiting contact with them? The same guy who left them one holiday season to bang hookers in Thailand? The same man who moved an hour away because he didn’t like that our daughter wouldn’t take it up the ass and wouldn’t tolerate him seeing other women?”

    There are so many people who are getting shunned by JW relatives. By all accounts, the in-laws have been quite lenient towards them per JW rules. They even allowed him to build an apostate studio underneath their living quarters! Most would take the random JW comment for what it is and count their lucky stars their kids have a seemingly functional relationship with their grandparents. Not Lloyd. He relishes in fucking everything up and sticking his big nose into everything. This was something for Dijana to deal with, not him. Her parents, her family home.

    That family desperately needs an enforcer. My family had one - a biker type uncle who would kick the living shit out of boyfriends/husbands who fucked over any of his children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Someone who would drive to Zagreb, confront that fat fuck in the street and drop him to the asphalt for speaking to his auntie like that.

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