It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3066 Replies latest jw friends

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Read the thread, interesting names that he called 5/7th of the M7

    His choice of “defendants” has been very selective, as if he’s more interested in settling old scores.

    What’s often lost in the entire COC debacle is the fact that Arthur Weber confirmed by email that bootlegging COC and selling copies was a “business arrangement” between him and Lloyd.

    In true Lloyd fashion, he also admitted that he had three different translations ready for publication. That’s a 500-600 page book and no easy task to translate. Thinking he was coming across as the hero, he actually gave up his entire game.

    So what happened was these 5 people (actually 4 - Cora’s crime was and is being married to Marc) sabotaged Lloyd’s plan to enrich himself by usurping the copyright on COC, selling copies not only in English but in other languages as well.

    Per usual, Lloyd would have done absolutely nothing whilst others would work voluntarily to translate into other languages. Putting JWSurvey on the back wasn’t Arthur’s idea. It was deliberately placed there so as to promote himself.

    He’s been seething for years (since 2015) about this and is holding these people responsible for him losing out on all the money he planned to make on the COC scheme. It wasn’t a one-off where he only sought to print a few copies for his friends as he claimed. He noticed the clamour for copies as they were going for $100 or more and wanted to corner the market.

    He would have earned at least in the tens of thousands and probably 100s of thousands if left unchecked. Probably more than Ray had even earned off of his work.

    That’s not even counting the surge of donations as he ticked off all the phony costs he had incurred in publishing.


    If that was his true intention, it certainly could explain this reaction from him on Reddit back then 🤷‍♀️

  • TonusOH

    He has always had an outsized opinion of himself and his influence. Remember that he claims to have used this same tactic with his judicial committee, threatening to take on the WTS in Croatia if they didn't agree to a deal with him. I am guessing that the elders --when they finally stopped laughing-- informed him that they wouldn't agree to his terms. Shockingly, Evans somehow failed to dismantle the JW organization in Croatia.


    Ah yes Tonus …. I had forgotten about that one 👍

  • Teddnzo

    Would anyone hazard a guess at what his entire income is? And how much of that does he need to live in Croatia ?

    If his patrons numbers drop to a certain number will he have to go get a job?

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Regarding CoC & him bashing others for speaking out...

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    He didn't understand copyright laws. U.S Copyrights take several years to transfer. Deborah could not publish it until the transfer was complete. She had everything ready to go when it became legal. Lloydy swooped in decided that the copyright died with Raymon Franz.

    As soon as the transfer tbecame official from Cynthia Franz to Deborah Dkystra, Deb's husband died and delayed it.

    Lloyd didn't care, he was on the rampage saying horrible things about her.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    I mentioned an article in my video, where he doxxed us. I just found the original article. He's edited it several times because it showed we were not lying about it.

  • Simon

    That article is classic Lloyd, like a condensed greatest-hits album:

    Complaining that people are accusing him of making money from his "hacktivism" (but only $10k was too much, at the time ... we all know what the real amount ended up being several years later, 10x that!)

    Using his family / daughter as a shield against criticism of his actions. I wonder if he'd been regularly diddling hookers at that point? 'cause I don't think his "erm, I'm going to say" numbers were the true numbers.

    Insinuating it's all so very bad for his mental health and how he suffers from depression. Note: other people's mental health is never a concern for him when he's bullying and harassing, only ever his own, and only when criticized. Funny how that works, eh?

    Threatening to quit doing his "life saving work" ... definitely, and I repeat, not his "money making work" (Greta "how dare you" scowl)

    Claiming any critic simply has a JW mindset.

    Comparing himself to important exJW writers such as Ray Franz, as though his upcoming book would be anywhere near as impactful.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    A few lies from that article....

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