Let me start by saying I love a JW, too. I have been through all the lying and sneaking, too. But not as much as your little princess. Sheila sums it up very nicely. This is a dependent woman dependent on the WTS. When she needs a break from all the craziness, you take her back every time. She has not grown up, nor faced the consequences of her own actions. You are an enabler. I am pretty sure there are some normal women in the US. Why don’t you start again in Florida? Let mommy and daddy bail her out of debt etc. etc.
I believe to this day that her parents know we are still seeing each other but choose to ignore it just so long as the JW community at large doesn’t know and face is saved. Am I being ridiculous in such thoughts?
No. They really are that ridiculous.
Was she really telling me that we refrain from the old “in-out” and a wave of the magic wand and a sprinkle of spacedust and it might be all OK!
I hear a lot about keeping the “church” pure, but they took no action as it might have caused a scandal for certain people
. It is all about appearance. Especially for an elder’s daughter.
I don’t see her at night and never on weekends. She attends Kingdom Hall every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday when home. When not doing that she is out with me, having a good time in a restaurant, bar or club or back at our hotel room or out at my house.
This is a relationship?
I believe she knows her family’s stranglehold on her is stronger than the JWs. Maybe they are one and the same.
Yes. To leave them is to face certain death. Family/JW’s same thing. That is what she is taught.
Her mother even went so far as to ask her not to elope a year ago, the underlying message being she did not want to miss a wedding.
Wrong. The mother could not attend the wedding. You are an “unbeliever”. Her mother does not want you two together. Period.
Let me also say, crazy as it makes me, I have no desire to draw her away from the religion or her family. I suppose the whole point of my post is that two years down the road I am still no closer to understanding why we can’t all be friends.
Repeat after me. It’s a cult. It's a cult. They will never let you be “just friends”. Join or die at Armageddon. Those are your choices.
My prediction?
A. You will start afresh Florida.
B. A while later, she will call you up to “join” you, and she will get you to pay the airfare.
C. She will check out how nice your “digs” are. She will stay a while.
D. Her conscience will get the better of her, and she will go back.
E. You will pay the airfare, of course.
F. Go back to B.
How can I be so confident of the outcome? All Jehovah Witnesses are supposed to be "in unity" on what they believe. Nearly every JW will behave the same and have the same prejudices. Think long and hard if you want to have this kind of life.