Well said Nuffy!
Smoking gun GB can’t get out of this one
by Mikejw 147 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
as you can well imagine the situation of those who are divergent is not simple, rather dangerous. I am not interested in proselytizing of any kind, even my wife is free to do what she deems best: she has decided like me not to get vaccinated even though her whole family has preferred to follow the instructions of the GB. Obviously we are seen as disobedient, we don't care. Time will bring out the truth and as Daniel 12:10 says "none of the wicked will understand; but those having insight will understand."
Anony Mous
The risk in miscarriages has increased 5-fold in early stages of gestation (when most miscarriages happen) and nearly doubled later stages: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2113891
We just had a family member had 3 miscarriages, 2 of which were ectopic after being forced the shot for her job, she got 3 healthy pregnancies before, she is still young and healthy, even her doctors are saying it’s extremely rare for ectopic pregnancies to happen multiple times in a row.
Bartolomeo, what a sad commentary: "situation of those who are divergent is not simple, rather dangerous" "...we are seen as disobedient" ( does that sound like "love among yourselves"?)
I personally was warned not to say anything against the GB guidelines and to remove some of my FB postings--I told everyone that would listen to me not to take those jabs...The friends said they had to take them because the GB told them to. Me: you don't have to listen to them if they are telling you the wrong thing. The GB continually tells the rank and file they have to obey them whether is makes sense or not. It makes me sick to my soul!
Bartolomeo, perhaps view this from another angle. Look at Rev. 6:8. The fourth living creature introduces a fourth charging horse: “And I saw, and, look! a pale horse; and the one seated upon it had the name Death. And Hades was closely following him. And authority was given them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with a long sword and with food shortage and with deadly plague and by the wild beasts of the earth” (Rev. 6:8). The wild beasts here does not refer wild animals, but governmental authorities, including their armies, navies and air forces, involved with warfare, blockades and sanctions, e.g., Beast from the earth (false prophet) and Beast from the abyss (scarlet-colored wild beast). These will be responsible for the death of a fourth of the world’s population. This they will accomplish with the help of war with a resulting famine, an acute energy crisis, a pre-planned endemic and population control through gene therapy. If this does apply to our time, the leaders of Jehovah’s Witnesses find themselves on the wrong side of the fence. It seems as though they have thrown their weight behind the beasts.
Bartolommeo, I agree very much with your very first post and your other comments thus far. Also, welcome to the forum!
I, like you am not happy with the GB. however, unlike your wife, my wife decided to get the injections. She wasn’t going to until they started with those first few GB updates back in 2021. Really leaning on the importance of being injected.
She has had 3. She is not wanting to get a 4th but I think the damage is done. I am disgusted in the way they used coercion and then claim these are conscience matters…
I feel I can be disgusted and even angry at time like you. and also, possibly like you, that does not mean I have to be angry at Jehovah - or have any particular feelings for Jehovah as I feel they are falsely representing him.
Anony Mous
thank you for the link to the medical journal.
This thread.......
Anna Marina
BH - Your post suggests that you are struggling to accept it. Fact is not everyone is trustworthy, even when they hold positions of significant trust and others look up to them.
chezdale--that is the point: the GB FALSELY represent ...and yet good JW will go and preach and teach to others that the GB were chosen as a faithful and discreet slave...there is something wrong with that picture--don't ya think? How do you honestly direct people through Bible studies to an organization that falsely represents Jehovah and his Son?