BettyHumpter-thank God for my tin hat.
Smoking gun GB can’t get out of this one
by Mikejw 147 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"BettyHumpter-thank God for my tin hat."
Fair enough.
Since you come from a different perspective, I'm curious what your thought are on David Icke?
According to Icke, tall, blood-drinking, reptilian humanoids from the Alpha Draconis star system, now hiding in underground bases, are the force behind a worldwide plot against humanity.
He contends that most of the world's ancient and modern leaders are related to these reptilians, including the Rothschild's, the Bush family and the British Royal Family. In fact, according to Icke and also many YouTube videos I could ask you to sit through, Queen Elizabeth died over 30 years ago and the current imposter is an alien reptilian in a human skin suit.
Thoughts? -
BettyHumpter... I have seen some of those shapeshifting videos...david is a bit far out there...My brother thinks he has seen the little green men...If there are indeed aliens, then I think it is the demons...people can be demon possessed...I do think there are imposters. I compared photos of Fauci and the Fauci who took the jab...I studied the skin, the ears, eyes...Anyway I had the photos side by side --it was an Imposter who took the jab if even that happened, because there were videos of shots that were totally fake. It is amazing what they can do now with hologram and cgi...You really can't trust a lot of what you see. Are there clones of people( I won't rule it out ) According to, Bill and Melinda Gates are also dead-the ones we now see are imposters. So the jury isn't in on a lot of things other than I think it is all demonic influence.
The discussion about vaccines shouldn't be about possible side effects. Of course every medication has side effects, some of them deadly for a few individuals.
The issue is the desperation to keep those side effects secret from the pharma companies with the help of the political e$tabli$hment, as well as the attempts at imposing vaccines on those that don't want it.
If you want to take the vaccine plus 10 boosters, be my guest. You accept the risk of any side effects, but on the other hand increase your resistance to the virus. Those that don't want it, take a higher risk of dying of the virus but avoid the risk fo side effects.
That is the only logical way of handling this. Freedom for all.
Mike - One elder I knew had to plead for understanding when he explained that his pregnant wife was not vaccinated. Pleading for understanding... that she should not be given an experimental drug which could harm their unborn child. He was polite, gentle and humble about it but you could sense how worried he was.
Anna that couple are going against direction directly from the GB and by extension from Jehovah.
Even if they show the elders the U turn and now the official government direction has changed and now says exact words “Women who are breastfeeding should also not be vaccinated”
This new direction from the official government website goes against the direction from the GB
all Jdubs are told over and over to follow directions from the GB even if (or especially) it goes against satans world
@Chezdale - thank you for your solidarity message and welcome!
@Vidqun - very interesting your point of view on Rev. 6: 8, thanks for sharing it!
I have always considered myself an unconventional JW, in the sense that I have never been 100% in agreement on everything that we have always been taught and I have always had an open mind to different possible interpretations or new readings of the prophecies which, however, I always have kept for me.
Nevertheless, without too many problems, I supported the line taught by the GB because in any case I was convinced that even if they were not inspired they had (and I believe they still have sincerely) at heart the best interests of the whole brotherhood.
However, there is a limit to everything, and as we recently studied "Good intentions do not change what Jehovah requires" (2Sa 6:3-5; w05 5/15 17 ¶8), we remember David and Uzzah: even with the best of intentions they both violated the Law and paid for it harsh consequences.
The WT have always taught us as elders not to make decisions for other brothers in matters of conscience (blood fractions in primis). For vaccines, on the other hand, all these basic rules were violated and they were the first to say that 98% ~ of the Bethelites and missionaries were vaccinated and so on, thus exerting desired pressure while remembering almost every time that it is a matter of conscience. For me this is hypocrisy, two weights and two measures, what else can we call it? how can Jehovah, the guarantor of free will, tolerate it?
The responsibility of blood should never be underestimated. Think of that episode of David pouring water on the ground (water!) Because the action of procuring it had endangered the lives of three men! David said "How could I drink the blood of these men?" This is moral depth that should make the GB blush
Anna Marina
Mike - yes, exactly. This is why people should be urged to leave. Their lives are in danger from lying propaganda and social engineering that can ultimately kill them.
Father of lie and manslayer comes to mind.
It really wont matter what you say to the elders. Even if they silently agree with you, they will not express their views for fear of GB and losing their status.
Bartolomeo, I prefer to think for myself, leaning on my own conscience and decision making ability. This is why: Isaiah (2:22 NET) warns: “Stop trusting in human beings, whose life’s breath is in their nostrils. For why should they be given special consideration? ”This is in line with Jeremiah’s quote (17:5):“This is what Jehovah has said, Cursed is the able-bodied man who puts his trust in earthling man and actually makes flesh his arm, and whose heart turns away from Jehovah himself.” Yes, governments, kings, religious leaders, important people and the super rich cannot be trusted. They do not have the interests of the people at heart, but are focused on their own interests. The psalmist reinforces the argument: “Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; In that day his thoughts do perish” (Ps. 146:3, 4). Or phrased differently: “Do not trust in princes, or in human beings, who cannot deliver!” (Ps. 146:3 NET). These scriptures are now more relevant than ever. Do not be a lemming and do not drink the Kool-aid.
was a new boy
Dr. Gazda discusses “Neurological Issues Post-COVID”,
'the fifth horsemen is us'
Anna Marina
Vidqun and Bartolomeo - I agree it is vital to think things through yourself. When people learn arithmetic, you learn HOW to do the calculation. It is called MATHS.
Jesus' disciples in Greek were called the MATHETE. It is where we get the word 'maths' from.
There is a saying, "there are lied, damn lies and statistics."
If an orchard owner has 1536 trees which yielded 263504 apples this year, you have to be a real expert at apples, with a lot of time on your hand to go and check those figures. Or check any calculations/stats run of the back of those figures.
Regarding the health data and stats - how many people could check the truth of the statistics?
I was in the UK Health services as an IT Developer. I know I was passed made up data. When I challenged the team which passed me this nonsense, I was raged at. In the end I handed in my notice because my job was being made impossible to do. This was a few years before the 'pandemic.' Incidentally I was told (by a fellow team member) that the entire IT team had long since given up doing their jobs because they had been hamstrung. This chap sat beside a broken window, there were electric cables that ran through the walls beside him. When it rained, the rain came through onto the inner walls. It had been like that for well over 12 months. Nothing got done about it.