Smoking gun GB can’t get out of this one
by Mikejw 147 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I didn't think that the " news " about the NHS changing it's mind was right so l checked with the proper sources , not Twitter.
Once again misinformation from anti vaccers . Cus of course everything on Twitter is true .
This lying to prove a point of view reminds me of of something . Oh yes the Watchtower .
Btw the quote from the NHS website is up to date.
Anna Marina
And you believe the NHS website?
Anna Marina
And if you are not familiar with why some who have been in the military are skeptical of vaccines, consider.
While recent studies have demonstrated the vaccine is highly reactogenic, there is no clear evidence or epidemiological studies on Gulf War veterans linking the vaccine to Gulf War illness. Combining this with the lack of symptoms from current deployments of individuals who have received the vaccine led the Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses to conclude that the vaccine is not a likely cause of Gulf War illness for most ill veterans. However, the committee report does point out that veterans who received a larger number of various vaccines in advance of deployment have shown higher rates of persistent symptoms since the war
Anna Marina
Here's the link to UK Gov site in relation to Pfizer.
Toxicity conclusionsThe absence of reproductive toxicity data is a reflection of the speed of development to first identify and select COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 for clinical testing and its rapid development to meet the ongoing urgent health need. In principle, a decision on licensing a vaccine could be taken in these circumstances without data from reproductive toxicity studies animals, but there are studies ongoing and these will be provided when available. In the context of supply under Regulation 174, it is considered that sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine in pregnant women cannot be provided at the present time: however, use in women of childbearing potential could be supported provided healthcare professionals are advised to rule out known or suspected pregnancy prior to vaccination. Women who are breastfeeding should also not be vaccinated. These judgements reflect the absence of data at the present time and do not reflect a specific finding of concern. Adequate advice with regard to women of childbearing potential, pregnant women and breastfeeding women has been provided in both the Information for UK Healthcare Professionals and the Information for UK recipients.
Sorry, Jan. I didn't read your post, I was looking at your battery charge.
We're being conned is all I can think.
They think we're all sheeple.
However they try to spin it this is a huge U turn but it’s a bit late as so many pregnant women have taken these substances multiple times
“it is considered that sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine in pregnant women cannot be provided at the present time”
“it is considered that sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine in pregnant women cannot be provided at the present time”
yet the GB continue to give direction to be fully vaccinated
QUESTION is there sufficient reassurance of safe use for anyone not just pregnant women? No the evidence is overwhelming these shots are not safe
I wonder if my Jobot indoctrination is still working in me. IE. All politicians and people in authority are utter liars and filth.
Is that Jobot indoctrination, or reality?
Anna Marina
Put it like this, the law exists to maintain the STATUS QUO, justice is what you get from Almighty God.