How Will They End 1914 Teaching?

by EmptyInside 282 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • scholar


    Except Jeremiah says its 70 years of servitude for the region.


    Jeremiah also foretold additionally, that the 70 years was of servitude it was also a period of Exile of 70 years during which Judah was desolated for 70 years.

    scholar JW

  • MeanMrMustard
    Jeremiah also foretold additionally, that the 70 years was of servitude it was also a period of Exile of 70 years during which Judah was desolated for 70 years.

    Pure fabrication. It's not in Jeremiah anywhere. The servitude applied to Judah and "all the nations round about". Plural. Nations. The region.

  • Jeffro


    Jeremiah also foretold additionally, that the 70 years was of servitude it was also a period of Exile of 70 years during which Judah was desolated for 70 years.

    In addition to the response from MeanMrMustard above showing this to be a lie, Jeremiah 27:8-11 also clearly demonstrates that exile was considered a punishment for refusing to serve Babylon, not the way in which Babylon would be served for 70 years.

  • MeanMrMustard

    And in addition to Jeffro's post :),

    Jerimiah 25:12 makes it clear the order of events. First, the 70 years of servitude would end; then the king of Babylon would be punished.

    JW version is Neb is punished, Cyrus takes over, releases the Jews, then they travel back, arrive back home, start to rebuild and then the 70 years ends.

  • scholar


    Pure fabrication. It's not in Jeremiah anywhere. The servitude applied to Judah and "all the nations round about". Plural. Nations. The region.


    Nonsense. for the texts of Jeremiah are exp[licit in describing the 70 years as a period of servitude to Babylon, and Exile in Babylon leaving a vacant land of Judah desolate for 70 years.

    scholar JW

  • scholar


    In addition to the response from MeanMrMustard above showing this to be a lie, Jeremiah 27:8-11 also clearly demonstrates that exile was considered a punishment for refusing to serve Babylon, not the way in which Babylon would be served for 70 years.


    The said scholar has no need to lie for he leaves that to our critics. Jer.27:8-11 clearly shows that any nation that refuses to be in subject to Babylon would be in big trouble but such a nation that would be in servitude would prosper. so Jeremiah gives a warning to such nations.But for Judah, a 70-year Exile was foretold as punishment for their sins being brought under the yoke of Babylon for 70 years in Exile.

    scholar JW

  • scholar


    erimiah 25:12 makes it clear the order of events. First, the 70 years of servitude would end; then the king of Babylon would be punished.


    Exactly. Not just the King but the nation and its land became a desolate wasteland which clearly did not happen in 539 BCE with its immediate fall under Cyrus.


    JW version is Neb is punished, Cyrus takes over, releases the Jews, then they travel back, arrive back home, start to rebuild and then the 70 years ends.


    JW version of the history of the period harmonizes well with Jeremiah's prophecy as later confirmed by Daniel, Zechariah and Ezra. Thus as you say, the 70 years of Exile or Captivity to or for Babylon ended in 537 BCE with the Return under Cyrus.

    scholar JW

  • Fisherman

    70 years in Babylon.

    God was punishing Judah for their sins same as he punished the northern kingdom. The prophets were sent to Judah with the message and restoration prophecies not to the uncircumcised nation although affected, Jerusalem was the target. I find no other way to interpret the scriptures than Judah spent 70 years in Babylon for idolatry and so the land could rest to pay back its Sabbaths. Archeology will vindicate 607.

  • MeanMrMustard

    Nonsense. for the texts of Jeremiah are exp[licit in describing the 70 years as a period of servitude to Babylon, and Exile in Babylon leaving a vacant land of Judah desolate for 70 years.

    scholar JW

    Double nonsense. You're just repeating an assertion without addressing arguments.

  • MeanMrMustard
    Exactly. Not just the King but the nation and its land became a desolate wasteland which clearly did not happen in 539 BCE with its immediate fall under Cyrus.

    You just said "exactly" to my statement, and then affirmed the exact opposite. Just read v12 grammatically. The 70 years ends, and then the king of Babylon is brought to account, and then sometime after its made a desolate wasteland... on and on... That doesn't change the order.

    JW version of the history of the period harmonizes well with Jeremiah's prophecy as later confirmed by Daniel, Zechariah and Ezra. Thus as you say, the 70 years of Exile or Captivity to or for Babylon ended in 537 BCE with the Return under Cyrus.

    No, it explicitly contradicts a plain grammatical reading of the original prophecy in Jerimiah.

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