70 years in Babylon.
70 years for Babylon.
God was punishing Judah for their sins same as he punished the northern kingdom. The prophets were sent to Judah with the message and restoration prophecies not to the uncircumcised nation although affected, Jerusalem was the target. I find no other way to interpret the scriptures than Judah spent 70 years in Babylon for idolatry and so the land could rest to pay back its Sabbaths. Archeology will vindicate 607.
Just read it grammatically. Just because Jerimiah was speaking to the Jews doesn't change the meaning of words.
Babylon was going to reign for a while. Judah was going to "serve" the king of Babylon, along with the other nations round about, for 70 years. It was highly encouraged that Judah accept this servitude. They didn't. So it got worse, in 587, a couple decades into the "servitude", with the final deportation and destruction of Jerusalem. The captives went off into exile to "fulfill" (Chronicles and Daniel) or complete the rest of the time.
Then as v12 says, when the 70 years ended, Babylon was punished/removed from power. But the order in v12 matters.