Excuse me all, but am I missing something here - or are the BAs missing it? The BAs are forever speaking about Jesus and how one must accept him into their lives to be saved. Now, I have absolutely NO DOUBT that the BAs here are really nice, genuine people (if any of you know Mouthy's story, you'll know what I'm talking about! Love you, Grace!! )
Ok, here's the bottom line (for the umpteenth time!). I get the impression that you BAs take the gospels literally. You may take the whole Bible as the Word of God (?). However, don't you KNOW how the Bible came to be in existence?! If you did you'd question every book and every scripture. Why? Because IT WAS ORIGINALLY NEVER CONSIDERED INSPIRED BY GOD!! The Christian scriptures were not considered inspired until after 170 CE. The name "New Testament" was only given to a collection of books around 210 CE, by Tertullian. But guess what? In those days the Bible lacked many of the books that are in it now. It was the Church Fathers who decided which books should make up the Bible and whoever was in office at the time, if he didn't like a certain book, it was left out. Then, when another took office, he'd likely change the books again. It was THESE guys who formed the Bible and called it inspired.THE FACT IS, the early Christian Fathers were extremely ignorant and superstitious - people like Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria and Tertullian. Remember the story of the phoenix which was said to renew its life every five hundred years? Do you believe it? Of course not! It's a fable - but Clement of Rome DID believe it and asserted it was typical of the resurrection!! Tertullian believed it, also, and so did Origen!!
What has one got to do to make you realise that the people who put the Bible together were a bunch of cranks and that if one does some serious research (which the Dubs prevented!) one will be AMAZED at the root from whence these "inspired" stories came.
Am I trying to undermine your faith? NO! Am I trying to get to the truth? YES! In other words, how can a BA tell us that we should put our trust in the Jesus of the Bible when the Bible cannot be trusted??? I've already stated that the gospels are not written by whom they're supposed to be - that's a fact! Did you also know that the early Church Fathers quoted as Scripture books which are now called 'Apocryphal'. Some of these have more right to be in today's Bible than the gospels!!
So, if the Bible is not inspired of God, and many of the books are not written by whom we were taught they were written by and even, dare I say it, the character of Jesus himself is considered very spurious, how, then, can we possibly receive salvation by Jesus whom we are taught about from a book that has no genuine credibility?! Sheesh!
For the record, I am not an evolutionist (in the sense that birds came from reptiles, man came from apes, etc) - but I have absolutely no idea how everything came into being. The universe is so completely orderly that Creation seems far more logical tha believing everything suddenly happened. But, I JUST DON'T KNOW!
Now, if you're a BA and happy, fine. But the sort of planks who post that Hellfire exists for those who don't take Jesus to be their saviour is insulting, arrogant and ignorant! These type of people are no better than the worst of Dubs!
Peace and Love to you all,