Keep repeating your incorrect stats as though they are true and ignore the study that takes all the factors into account that you claim to, but don't.
- Simon
You sound like Donald Trump. You just keep repeating the same nonsense over and over and over hoping it will stick. I've provided the statistics to you showing that unarmed black people are six times more likely to be shot. I provided the names of the individuals and the date they were shot. You then accused me saying I had "no evidence". I then provided you with the comprehensive database of news reports and public records that's been compiled.
Simply saying "the stats are incorrect" is not an argument. It's a Trumpism
Furthermore, I addressed your " study that takes all the factors into account". And it's very clear you didn't bother to read the paper. Because, once again, the only thing it says about unarmed persons is, "black civilians are 21.1 percent more likely to have force used against them compared to white civilians with the same reported compliance behavior."
Which supports MY POSITION. Not yours.
You don't have a basic understanding of the facts at hand nor any of the statistics and yet you continue to run around saying saying "it's not true it's not true - la la la la". You haven't addressed the statistics in EITHER of the studies nor have you addressed the points I've made about implicit bias.
You haven't done your homework Simon and I'm calling you out on your BS. You want to continue to say I'm misrepresenting the stats? Fine, - prove it. Go into the research that's been done and show the figures I'm citing are wrong.
But in the meantime - do us all a favor and stop claiming to know things you don't know.