It's like everything else. The Data-Pack post makes it seem "not so bad'. But the the post warning against "downplaying" the situation makes me want to cancel everything and just binge on Netflix for a couple weeks.
Note to self: Better run out for beer to stockpile before I decide to stay in!
Here in the US, the confirmed cases Friday broke 500. Today they broke 1000.
Remember the story of paying a person $1.00 the first day, and doubling the amount each subsequent day?
Day #1 = $1.00
Day #2 = $2.00
Day #3 = $4.00
Day #10 = $512
Day #16 = $32,000
Day #21 = Over $1 million
That's how the increase of the virus cases will be if it continues to double every 5 days. By the end of April (6 weeks) there will be more cases in the US than there are today in China.