NOTE: Comments just trying to score cheap political points out of this will be deleted.
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon 656 Replies latest jw friends
Seattle (the largest school district in the state) just canceled classes for the rest of the month.
Thx for the info - I read the link posted above and I'm overly cautious just trying not to cancel life yet that seems to be happening'! This will be 2nd wkend in a row to cancel so cal trips. It will mellow out like the Ebola but might be a few mos. Too many infected/ill people (around 15,000) entered US few mos ago and so many land at LAX -- before the restrictions were in place. It's distressing.
Oops, JeffT I accidentally hit on your 'Like' button. Seattle has huge influx of Chinese directly from China - thus the problem.
Well done the people of Hong Kong.
They obviously care about their elderly loved ones. This is going to devastate a generation of kids who are going to loose beloved grandparents 😠Simon I couldn’t agree more I could strangle these politicians.
When do you think I should take my kids out of secondary school? (I’m a reasonably competent teacher)
joey jojo
Maybe this has already been said, but why not shut down all international borders, except for goods and trade, for 2 weeks?
It would help contain the virus and at least there is an end date, at which point it can be reassessed . A big part of the problem at the moment is wondering how long the uncertainty will prevail.
Welcome to socialized medicine - do you think you'll be shown the same priority as someone in charge of the system?
As a lifelong socialist just to the left of Marx - it kills me to say this, and as a nurse, 20 years ago I never would have dreamed I would in a month of Sunday’s - you are absolutely right. I’ve been telling my husband this for a year now, trying to explain why it just can’t work anymore.
When do you think I should take my kids out of secondary school? (I’m a reasonably competent teacher)
It's impossible to say. By the time the first symptoms of a case show up and you're notified of it, many other people could have been infected ... including them.
Common sense would be to close schools soon to prevent spread. It's not like kids really learn much in them anyway (maybe this will be the nail that the failure of the current education needs?)
I’ve been telling my husband this for a year now, trying to explain why it just can’t work anymore.
The problem is that whether people realize it or not, there is always some "triage" going on because a country could spend its entire GDP on healthcare and it still wouldn't be "enough". This crisis just makes it more immediate and obvious.
This is why it's so critical to flatten the curve to prevent things being overwhelmed - there are only so many intensive care spots, ventilators and so on. They don't have warehouses full for situations like this, they are setup for normal demand.
In a way, if you're going to get it bad, you should want to be one of the early cases. Because once things are stretched it's going to be pot-luck what standard of care you get and as we're already seeing, you soon run out of healthcare staff as well (because they have to isolate).
Masks run out in weeks, top, and we can only get them from ... China! Guess who is first in line for their masks? They are, not us.
The outsourcing of critical supplies and medicine to them now looks incredibly stupid and short sighted doesn't it?
This might be useful for deciding "when do I socially distance myself" (including keeping kids home). It also contains some GREAT information about the virus and transmission.
TL;DR; When = right now, any delay on an exponential curve can be too late.
Another informative page - how long it takes for the # of cases to double in each country.
Probably a lot less than you imagined. It's like doubling the number of grains of rice on each square of a chess board. Spoiler: you run out of rice on the planet within about 20 squares.