It's not the dark ages and women are going to work out in the world. I'm not saying it's good to leave children with strangers or child care facilities. I don't know how popular the new idea/construction of generational home is going to be - time will tell.
waton - the elderly care institutions here contract with professional physical therapists, RNs, etc., that visit several facilities. I'm not so certain they spread viruses and seem to take every precaution. I understand the corporate owned places are out for a profit and cut corners but the pricier ones seem to keep employees for yrs.
There are many group homes - family run and they have a negative stigma. I've heard of a couple of good healthcare agencies and most families here have such problems with caregivers showing up, theft, the elderly resident(s) wanting them off the property - many issues - it's easier to place in professional institution which is actually more expensive unless it's an inexpensive, low-rated, one. These institutions also contract with the gov't and accept a few residents on Medicaid.
I don't understand why the institutions and gov't want residents to drop their great insurance programs and sign up for the state insurance program at the facilities other than to cut down on regular medicare costs. Ratings are horrific for the state/gov't insurance programs offered via the senior institutions. I wouldn't trust the gov't to provide anything much less be in charge of protecting the elderly. It's never been a priority.
I don't understand what is paid for by the government?! Individuals and cos. pay gazillions for health insurance.