Have You Recieved Any Benefit From This Web Site???

by minimus 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    This site has been a real lifesaver for me. I wish it had been around when Big Tex was going through his stuff because he wouldn't have felt as alone as he did. You people on this forum have helped me get through my escape from the Witnesses a lot faster and easier than it would have been. You are a font of information, a sounding board, a support group, and comic relief, all at the same time. Your posts have made me laugh, cry, and ponder. I've made good friends from this board and look forward to making many more.






    I have been able to meet-up with people via this website. E-mail former JWs, talk to them on the phone, offer support as a result and gain new friends.

    Forums: many different types, seldom if ever, remain static.

    They change, they evolve, mellow out or turn brutal. Depends upon its' members. Some grade a site by it's ability to slay; some grade a site by how many stay.....feel safe therefor can contribute in a non-threatening environment.

    What was once important up-to-the-minute "Latest" info on the WTBTS, is not so new anymore. When 'new light' or other Borg bungles are made known: they'll be posted here soon enough.

    What is always happening, are new people coming to forums like this one. It offers a great variety.

    It's not completely scribbled with scripture nor necessarily doctrine heavy. It's probably more welcoming and warmer than many others I have visited.

    Sometimes, for most ex-JWs, having a place that is not set up like an on-line Kingdom Hall is a welcome relief.

    Overall: it has given me much resolve, and I am constantly speaking with and talking to former and present day JWs, lending a listening ear, and support.

    Great place, overall.

  • Farkel

    Minimum shows its colors yet again:

    : I agree that some of the better posters are not here anymore. But I do notice that this place isn't so harsh or angry all the time. I think it's more inviting. The place is evolving.

    Better posters are gone. Ergo, this place isn't harsh or angry "all the time" since some of the "better posters" are gone. Then you said, "the place is evolving." Given your prior comments, one can only conclude that since the "better posters are not here anymore", and despite this, this place is "evolving'', then it must be "evolving" because the "not so better posters are still here" and it was the "better posters" (who are disappearing as you implied) that KEPT it from "evolving." Yeah, that makes sense, you moron.

    Conclusion: The "better posters" (whoever THEY are) made this place "angry all the time," but since they're gone, somehow this place isn't now "angry all the time." And the fading away of the "better posters" somehow and magically made this board "better" becuase it had more of the mediocre posters. Yep. That is as sensible an argument as Minmum could ever make!

    Minimum, you are a real piece of work. With logic like that you deserve a position in either the housekeeping or fast food-service industry. Nah! You'd have to pass a test you couldn't pass!


  • Prisca



    What's the problem with you? Are you so bitter and angry with life that you have to see the negative in everyone? Can't you put aside your problem with Min, and at least answer the question? Have you received any benefits from this site? If it went tomorrow, what would you do? Seriously, what would you do?

  • ozziepost

    This now is the second thread today to be "discussing" the same contretemps between Farks and Mini.

    Enough, good people! OK?

    Now, let's get back on topic.......................... or I'll have to lock it.


  • Prisca

    Why lock the thread? The trouble was caused by the same person who continually gets away with the personal attacks. Action should be taken against him, not the thread itself.

  • ozziepost

    No, I said

    let's get back on topic

    It's the topic that stands or falls on its own merits. Farks has been edited about half an hour ago.

    But if we don't take the hint, then

    get back on topic.......................... or I'll have to lock it

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Absolutely! I've met some fantastic people here and been exposed to some real knowledge about Jehovah's Witnesses for once. But I've also been able to vent and relate some stories from my past that I've never been allowed to do before. It's kinda scary, but in a nice way. You know?

  • Prisca

    I would benefit more from this site if the ignore feature was brought back. Then I wouldn't have to put up with nice posters being called "idiot" or "moron" by people who constantly get away with such insults.

  • notperfectyet

    Why don't you just step away from the computer Prisca....

    AND GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!

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