Have You Recieved Any Benefit From This Web Site???

by minimus 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    These are simple folks, after all and they are proud of that fact. You would find a better and more reasoned debate with Bibleman in your nearest dumpster than you'll find in here.

    I'm not the brightest bulb in the batch, and I'm the first to admit it. I don't know how proud I am of it. There's not much solace in knowing that average is the most you can hope you. It wasn't always like that. Once, long ago, my mind was quick and flawless and I could (and did) debate against learned men. With all due respect, I defended my Witness beliefs with a focused brilliance that rivaled your own.

    But that was the Before Time. Now my past and the present has dulled what I was once. It is too bad. And so I fall back on all that I have left: I care. I know what it was like to hurt and write in agony, and I also know what it took to escape that place. I can no longer offer intelligence, but I can offer a hand in friendship and a warm heart. It's not much I know, but it's all I have. I wish I had more to offer. I really do.

    I can't debate like I used to. My mind wants to switch to a gear, that just isn't there anymore. It is too bad.

  • Maverick

    Big Tex: It might be that your values have changed and you no longer have a need to be 'right'. It is not that your thinking has dulled but that it is not important to you anymore. Maverick

  • minimus

    Big Tex, You are so coy. Are you trying to say that you have grown and do not feel that you still must act like a JW and try to debate everyone to prove that you are right?

  • IslandWoman

    Have I received any benefit from this place? Yes I have.

    1. I've learned so much about people both how different and the same we are.

    2. The compassion shown here is remarkable, I am truly moved many times by it.

    3. There are some fine people who anchor this place, people who are knowledgable, witty, and smart but also forgiving and caring. In other words, balanced. Hate to put it this way, but there's some "good association" here.

    (One comment about debates: On the old H20 there were debates galore, compassion placed second. That was fine then, it was what was needed, (I guess). Now though, imo what is needed is not debates but information, lots of information along with offers of help to those who need it.

    Dedalus mentioned he missed the debates, I understand that but to be fair some old H20 posters have really discouraged debating and caused some of us to feel we should keep our mouths shut. When people get called stupid, braindead, and a whole lot of other pet names some will just shut up. Ergo less debating. imo

    Also sometimes debating just becomes a ping pong match, between a few participants who have no intention of changing their respective positions on the topic being discussed. Been there, done that. Evolution, the Trinity, etc. have been debated to death. imo.)

    Getting back on topic, in this place we can talk, disagree, ask questions, give answers (our own answers and not ones printed out for us! ) wow, we are free. Never had this kind of freedom in life as a JW, just the freedom to say "I disagree" is so good, so very good!

    Thank you Simon.


  • Englishman
    You would find a better and more reasoned debate with Bibleman in your nearest dumpster

    For the benefit of UK-ers, I believe that a "Dumpster" is what we call a skip.


  • TR

    There was a time when this site was theraputic for me. I could rant and rave and say the F word. I could enjoy reading arguements between Alan F and YouBlow, Farkel and the Gomer du jour. I could enjoy posts by JanH, Amazing, Maximus, Kent, and Norm. That time has past. Goodbye cold, cruel world. TR

  • minimus

    poor TR. Oh well, life goes on.

  • Robdar

    Every once in a while I lock horns with someone -- Rick or Herk or Robdar

    Hey, I thought I heard my name in cyberspace.

    I wish there was more heat, actually, more passionate debate backed with substance.

    Ah Dedalus, you want a piece of me? Bring it on..... I'm all for getting down with anything passionate.

    What would you like to debate today? Oh please make it a good one!


  • slipnslidemaster

    TR, right there with you brother.

  • dedalus

    LOL @ Robdar!

    Hey, FYI, my wife thought you were pretty funny in that scuffle we had, way back when. Odd, I sorta thought she'd be on my side ...


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