Sex in the New Book "Learn from the Great Teacher"

by AlanF 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hamas

    Thanks, AlanF

    I only stopped going October last year and was unaware of this publication! Thanks for the points that you brought out, It is always interesting to hear how the Watchtower still fools millions of people with this kind of propaganda.

  • hurt
    Unfortunately the writer also seems to be unsure of the technical distinctions between "vagina" and "vulva", and "male organ complex" and "penis". The first terms comprise the whole, and the latter terms are merely part of the whole. When people engage in sexual play, they play with everything, not just the penis and vulva. The writer of the Watchtower material is either extremly stupid about sexplay, or is deliberately deceitful. I suspect the latter, since the Society got a shitload back in its face when it told the entire JW community about oral and anal sex back in the early 1970s, educating them in something most of us had never even thought about.

    Thanks Alan for that (dis?)connection between violence and illicit sex. A few days ago, an elder had been trying to convince someone I know of this connection. He probably has read this book; I was unaware of the contents of the book. Perhaps, some JW find it easy as pie to read between the lines. I would think that rather than being deliberately deceitful (not that the Watchtower Writer in incapable of this), the Writer got into a ditch trying to be as simple as possible, assuming he's not stupid about sexplay in the firts place. It's a taste of what makes bad parenting advice/information and the inadequacy of governing body directions. Imagine talking to a kid for the first time about sexuality and using the contents of this book. And, about the "vagina, vulva", "male organ complex, penis" matter, I hope I'm right, will your comments be correct if we wrote "vulva, vagina" and "male organ complex, penis"?



  • lovinglife

    Alan, is this an updated version of the older pink covered "Great Teacher" book from the 60's-70's? I faintly remember the contents of it...but that it was the first book my mom studied with us kids aimed at kids...Thanks! Love your comments!

  • NeonMadman
    For example, the demons like it when a boy and a girl play with each others' penis or vulva. We don't want to make the demons happy, do we? --

    This strikes me as really dangerous material. I agree that sexual issues need to be addressed with children at a younger age than in previous generations, because of the awareness of sexuality generated in large part by the media. Because they are bombarded with sexual images from every angle, today's kids are much more aware of sex at a younger age, and tend to get involved with sexual experimentation at a younger age. So early training in the proper and improper use of sex can be a good thing.

    What bothers me is the way the demons are injected into the discussion. Given that children who are taught from this book may be hearing about sex for the first time in their lives, I think it's a really bad idea to identify it so closely with the demons (of course, it's a wonderful control mechanism for the Society). A mental link could be created that will impair their attitude toward sex for their entire lives. And given the degree to which JW's (and especially JW children) are taught to fear the demons, the identification of sex with demons could be devastating.

  • LyinEyes

    I agree Neon, that part really bothered me too.

    I think it is sick the way they are putting demons into what is natural childhood , curiosity between children. So now if a little 6 or 8 yr old happens to "play doctor" or even looks, he or she will have a guilty conscience , sure that they now have demons hanging around them . They will wonder , well didnt Daddy just read to me that if I do this , I will be making the demons happy??? Oh no......what have I done,,,,,,, I can't sleep, I can't eat, Pray, Pray to Jehovah to make me never ever do that again. etc. etc.

    It is sick. I mean I think we should teach our children respect for their bodies, respect for others bodies, good conduct with each other etc. But are we going to tell our children if they kiss a girl, or touch in the places this book says they shouldnt ,,,,,,,,,,that they are making the demons happy??No way, that is too much of a burden to be put on such little shoulders.

  • Englishman
    The female genital parts are called the vulva.


    I always thought that a Vulva was something to do with Swedish cars.

    I shall stick with Wimwam, Fanny or Pussy, it's far more tasteful.


  • SheilaM

    Lyineyes: How true guilt can cause all types of problems in children. Natural curiousity shouldn't be equated with demons. Geesh this is another example of them picking at the straw and ignoring their own rafter. You know I am going back to my fluff threads. I just get so upset that children are being force fed this bullshit.

    Notperfect: That wasn't very nice


  • worldlygirl

    Ha, ha, Englishman. Here in the US, we use "fanny" to describe our buttocks. One of my friends is a schoolteacher who recently visited England and spoke to the elementary school class where one of her friends was teaching. She didn't understand why they started laughing and snickering when she said the plane flight was so long, her "fanny" went numb!!!!!

    Her friend had to fill her in on the meaning there...

  • logansrun

    So, now the WT is taking even more creativity away from people by telling parents exactly where to ask viewpoint questions. Yeah, as if a kid with half a brain wouldn't be able to figure out how to fake the answers anyway -- what they want you to say is the very next sentence after the (--)!

    I wonder if this form of teaching will be incorporated into other publications, say, the WT study? You know, your typical JW is pretty much on a child's level of critical thinking anyway.

    Bradley (can't wait to get my copy!)

  • Mulan

    I would NEVER have read those parts to my young children. Maybe from 9 or 10 on, but not the younger ones. That material is way too advanced for young kids.

    It may just cause a lot of experimenting...................sort of like forbidding the internet.

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