Sex in the New Book "Learn from the Great Teacher"

by AlanF 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • minimus

    "It makes the demons happy"......when we celebrate birthdays or Christmas. It makes the demons happy when we have a "wet dream". It makes them happy when we go to a "R" rated movie. It makes the demons happy when we go to the beach instead of a Sunday meeting............................." It makes the demons happy when Jehovah's Witnesses believe the Watchtower publications."

  • notperfectyet


    what was so mean about my comment?

    My granddaughter before she was two was molested by my ex-husband. She is now 3 and knows about her private parts and knows it is wrong to have anyone touch them. Yes, their are sick people in the world we are living in, and always have been in. The only plus we have now is more information and communication that these things happen.

    The only positive thing about my granddaughters experience is she is not being raised as a witness, and doesn't have to have the nightmares of demons being involved in the horrible experience. Just an evil man, who took advantage of innocence.

    I could go on and on about how the WT has messed up people with their perverse view of sex, and it all starts with the children. Parents should be the ones who educate their children on sex. But the parents who are in the borg have to wait for a book to tell them how to do it. And of course put the demon twist in on it. Not enough that they are frightened of the dark and things that go bump in the night.

    Of course the one loophole the kids have when they are in the back room, they can always say in the words of Flip Wilson, " The devil made me do it".

  • rocketman

    1. Why not just leave sexual matters to parents?

    2. When my daughter was younger, she'd say that she was afraid to be in the bedroom alone for fear a demon would come in and make her smoke a cigarette.

    3. Why do demons supposedly watch only illicit sex? Wouldn't they 'get off' on watching married people too?

    4. When Jesus expelled demons, there didn't seem to be any 'demons of fornication' around. Paul (or was it Peter?) dealt with a girl who had a "demon of divination". Jesus came across demons that made people act oddly and mimicked certain illnesses, but might it not seem odd that, with all the "harlots" Jesus ran into and even ate with, he is not reported to have expelled demons from them?

    5. I'll repeat #1 for emphasis: why not just leave sexual matters to parents?

  • doodle-v

    It's sickening the way the org fills childrens head's with fear of demons. The demons this... satan that...

    Children get really frightened when they hear this stuff... its ridiculous

    I've had to slowly deprogram my child because my parents would pick her up from school and I would come and pick her up at their home when I got back from work... little did I know they had been "studying" with her for a awhile, everything we would do she would say "mom, we cant do that! that's BAD!!!"

    She's only 7 and she still has nightmares about "demons" coming to attack her

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Alan,

    first of all many thanks for the "surprise" least for most

    part of Europe. So we know what'’ s coming!

    Thanks also for the added comments. I'll ...try to get one

    as soon as possible .

    Strange stuff...about the demons!

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    P.S. I'm quite sure that in certain European

    countries the ‘unusual ‘ WTBS ‘ explicit language ...

    will cause some problems.

  • nilfun
    Wouldn't [demons] 'get off' on watching married people too?

    No, not if we follow the direction from the FDS and keep
    our relations in the bedroom as stale and boring as possible clean and proper.

    How many times can Satan watch a married couple
    do it missionary style before he rolls his eyes
    out of sheer boredom and decides to have a peek
    at some "illicit sex" to make himself "happy"?

    Truly, proper expression of sexual relations within the marriage arrangement will cause Satan and his demons to flee!

  • myself

    It is important that we know what bad things the demons will try to get us to do. So think about it. What bad things did the demons do when they came to earth? -- Before the Flood, they had sex relations with women, something that was not right for angels to do. Today the demons like it when people do not obey God's law about sex relations. Let me ask you, Who only should have sex relations? -- You are right, only married people.

    There is something else that the demons like but Jehovah hates. Do you know what it is? -- Violence. (Psalm 11:5) Violence is when people are mean and hurt others. Remember, that is what the giants, the sons of the demons, did.

    They also show a lack of confidence in the rank and file parents. Just in case they don't know the correct answers-- they provide them.

  • jwsons

    "Sex relation only for married people." So, child abuse is Ok, gay is OK ?


  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Great. Demons. Just what the world needs...a whole generation of JW children who equate sex with 'making demons happy.' Can you see the healthy attitudes about sex they'll grow up with?? God that's sickening.

    And after they get married like 'good little dubs', all that conditioning will magically disappear and they'll be able to have a healthy sex life. Ri-i-i-i-i-ight.

    That's repulsive. I swear the whole writing department smokes crack. That's the only explanation for the crap they come up with.

  • Sunnygal41

    The demon involvement bullshit got to me too! In fact, when I was DF'd for being involved in demonized astrology, etc., my girlfriend had sent her spirit guide with me to the committee meeting!!!!!! (I had no idea!) That cracks me up to think about it almost 4 years later! Just a quick many of you here have had "problems" with the demons since you got out? I have had nary a thump, squeek or rattle of chains, and my house is FULL of demonized material (according to JW's). In fact, everyone who comes to my home comments on the warm, positive energy vibes and great smells from the incense I burn! I have at least 5 tarot decks and I won't even tell you how many Ozzie CD's my S.O. has! LOL!

    Terri, out and feeling wonderful!

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