One who engaged in simple premarital sex faced property sanctions, as we have discussed.
Only if it was a violation of property as was the case with any other property
He also faced practical sanctions, in that he was denied the right of divorce, to which he would ordinarily have been entitled.
only in that specific instance (and the one or two others) with the specific conditions that were given. There were plenty of examples where that was not the case.
The fact that it was not punished by death doesn't mean that it wasn't sinful.
Of course I know that. What would make it sinful is the simple statement, "do not have sex with a woman you are not married to, it is a sin."
If premarital sex were not sinful at all, why should any sanction be attached to it?
why would differring sanctions be attached if it is one sin (premarital sex)?
Why? If there is no sin attached to premarital sex, what guilt has she incurred by not being a virgin?
Apparently whatever it was, it was serious enough to warrant the death sentence. Are you now saying that premarital sex alone warranted the death sentence? There is just no consistency in what you say. Is premarital sex alone punishable by death or not? You seem to have said, no. If not, she was not put to death for premarital sex alone .
It is important to read the Bible without preconceived notions.
That is true. One preconcieved notion would be to say premarital sex is a or must be a sin. Having a lack of that notion is not a preconcieved notion.
We are told that God's intention in the beginning was that man should cleave to his wife, and the two would become one flesh. No allowance was ever made for becoming "one flesh" other than in a marriage union.
If your logic is true that there is no need to say premarital sex is a sin to prove beyond all doubt, on these grounds, then it would also be true that we don't need a law saying a man should not lie with a man as he does with a woman. No allowance was ever made for that or a number of other things that were prohibited. You are having the preconcieved notion. The precedent for prohibitions is explicit commands.
In that context, the premium placed upon virginity until marriage under the Law becomes understandable.
A virgin was worth more to her father then a nonvirgin. It was easier to marry off a virgin and the father got more money for them. The men wanted virgins and there was a market for them.
If God intends and expects us to do A, and we do B, are we not sinning?
If God commands us not to do B, yes we are sinning.
Do you really mean to imply that a wife or a daughter is simply property in the same sense that an ox or a plow is?
No. Im sorry if that is what it sounded like. A wife or daughter has human rights and in that sense they differ from other property. Let me say this. Property values were property values. A wife or daughter does not own her property value.
Some will say that "sexual immorality" is a better translation, and I'm inclined to agree, since it encompasses the entire range of conduct implied by porneia.
I have never heard of a Greek scholar or Bible translator stating that "fornication" is a bad translation of porneia,
You are telling me that porneia "encompasses the entire range of conduct implied by porneia." You are saying porneia simply refers to sexual misconduct. How on earth does sexaul misconduct explicitly mean premarital sex? One means that if something is a sexual sin it is a sexual sin the other refers to one thing only. You must have an existing notion to think that premarital sex is reffered to under the term sexual immorality. Maybe some notions were mixed into the translation. It has happened before.
but there clearly is a correspondence between the two.
this is how you are proving that correspondence?
it would be very odd that so many translators have chosen the word "fornication" to translate porneia, don't you think?
you must have known I would just use your quote, "Numbers really mean very little; the proper way to interpret the scriptures is not by popular vote." I think it is odd to use the word fornication when popularly it is not saying the same thing as sexual immorality which you also agree is a better translation. So now your argument mainly hinges on an English word that isn't even the best translation, or perhaps not even a valid one.
I'm not saying that at all. Paul said that it was "better" not to marry.
here is what you said:
I suspect that you are looking at a text where he is trying to tell us not to marry at all, if we can avoid it,
Doesn't matter.
Now you’re telling me that I was deprived of all that pleasure because of a mistranslation? “Grave disservice” is putting it mildly.
Well, if that is how you feel, I'm sorry. Not all things permissable are profitable. Maybe you have profited despite what you see as "disservice." How willing are you to continue to believe the same way now that you can't "take advantage" of it. You probably have an interest in preserving that idea for few reasons. You have already implied it in claim of injury. One, your adherence to it in the past would now seem to you in vain, and do you no added credit. "suffer for nothing." Similar to reasons JWs dont want "the easy route to God."
That doesn’t mean that I don’t believe that it is regarded as a sin in the OT.
Just to cover your bases you said that the law was expanded in the NT. You were playing the Simpson defense. You may believe that it was a sin in the OT but you made the contradicting defense. It is okay. All you have to do is show in the OT that premarital sex itself is a sin and bam, premarital sex is covered under porneia.
I think that the fact that sex and marriage are inextricably associated since Creation is in itself evidence that any use of sex that does not involve marriage is contrary to what God intended.
I am saying sex and marriage are not necessarily inextricable. I don't think you know the full definition of inextricable. Divorce in the OT was allowed. Divorce is still allowed. God gave us feet not wings. Was airtravel what God intended? God put us on Earth not the moon. Was the moonwalk a sin? That is why I use the law in determining law. That is why God gave the law, so we would know the law.
The fact that sanctions were imposed under the Law and that a high value was placed upon virginity until marriage only serves to strengthen my view.
You may think it does. Virginity had a cash value. And if im not mistaken that value was determined by the free-market.
The problem, at least as I see it, is that you are coming to the issue with the preconceived idea that premarital sex is not a sin,
That is a lack of notion, not a preconceived one. Having an idea that premarital sex is a sin is a preconceived notion.
and challenging others to prove you wrong.
Prove me wrong. you can pull proof-texts for almost anything. Certainly for sexual sins. I can prove the most esoteric sexual sin with a direct proof-text.
Then you are dancing around all the scriptures that refute your position
they don't refute my poistion. That is just it.
even assigning a meaning to the word porneia that no knowledgeable scholar would support.
What the hell are you talking about? The meaning I assigned, you agreed was better than the more common translation. You yourself said many scholars translate it that way.
If you really came to the subject with an open mind, I believe that you would acknowledge the connection between sex and marriage established at Creation as being the Godly way
The law explicitly states what sin is. I have seen scriptures, which I am trying once again to find, which will give you more insight into the law. Keep in mind, the Godly way is to give up all your posessions to help the needy. Is divorce the Godly way? Forgiveness is the Godly way yet you can divorce rather than forgive?
I have come to the subject with an open mind. I am looking for law. Law is the topic and law is what I am looking for.
anything foreign to that (the Godly way) is sinful.
You may want to rethink that.
(Note – I’m assuming that you mis-typed and that the first “OT” in the above quotation should really say “NT.” If I’m wrong about that, please explain what you meant, since that’s the only way the statement makes sense to me.)
No, it was written correctly.
No, they are not, because all of these requirements were “nailed to the Cross” and a new arrangement was instituted.
Well that is something JWs say. I don't know if it meant all requirements were nailed to the cross or just the mosaic law. I don't know why the mosaic law would be nailed to the cross if Jesus died for all sins. Tha is a whole other discussion though.
Christians are not under the Mosaic Law. Christians are under the New Covenant, which replaced the Mosaic Law rather than expanded upon it.
Okay. Just so we are clear, are the ten commandments still binding?
Under that arrangement, porneia is forbidden.
When was porneia not forbidden? Im the one that is saying porneia was always forbidden. Now you are saying it wasn't?
You wish to assert that we do so by examining the features of the Law Covenant, but there is no scriptural basis for that assertion,
Then we are free to marry our brothers and sisters.
since the Law Covenant does not apply to NT Christians.
I know I can find something that isnt covered in NT law that you arent supposed to do that is covered in the OT. come on. You are going out on a limb there. And once again you are playing the simpson defense.
We must understand porneia to mean what a Greek-speaking person in the first century would have understood it to mean,
Exactly. Sexual immorality.
And as I have stated above, I know of no reputable Greek scholar or Bible translator (with the possible exception of your one Rabbi) who would accept the concept that premarital sex is not included in the meaning of porneia.
Sexual immorality is going to mean different things to different people. The greeks practiced temple orgies. Would the greek speaking temple priests say that was sexual immorality? Wouldn't you get the definition from precedent in the bible in determining how you apply it?
If you have the names of some accepted scholars who share your views on the matter, I’d be interested in hearing their names and reading what they have written on the subject.
Maybe in ten years I will submit my name to you and you will listen to what I am saying. Probably not though. You would feel injured if you realized I'm right.
A couple might separate and file a legal divorce, but still be married in the eyes of God. For them to re-marry would be sinful.
That is a whole other issue altogther but I will state most of that is speculation.
A person whose mate has not committed porneia might seek a legal divorce from the state for other reasons,
This goes to something you said earlier. What if the mate had committed porneia. Isn't forgiveness the Godly way? You said anything other than that was sinful.
To wrap it up. You seem to be trying to get away from specific laws particularly in the OT. By going that route you will be allowing things which are sin and clearly wrong to preserve your senses concerning premarital sex which you cannot prove with specific laws.
If i failed to address something feel free to bring it up again.