Sex in the New Book "Learn from the Great Teacher"

by AlanF 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Scully

    What scares me is the thought that all these currently home-schooled JW kids are going to have THIS as the basis for their sex education curriculum. At least when the kids are going to public school they have half a hope of getting accurate, unbiased information about sex in their health class. I'm getting the feeling that the WTS seems to think that the only way to keep JW kids from exploring and discovering their sexuality is to demonize it and create unhealthy (almost psychotic) attitudes toward it. They did it with music and dancing (disco, rock, rap, you name it.... they demonized it), they do it with clothing styles, they do it to sports competition. The level of paranoia about the demons is phenomenal among dubs.

    BTW, this isn't the first time the WTS used this question (--) answer format. That pepto-bismol pink book Listening to the Great Teacher used it too.

    Love, Scully

  • LyinEyes

    I know what ya mean Sheila,,,,,,,,,, it is just sickening the things the GB comes up with.

    You know I cringed at times when my children were very young and sex talks or other publications were discussed at the meetings,,,,,,,, I just didnt think that 3 year olds should hear some of the things that were said, and open for discussion by idiots who went into graphic detail. I remember one Brother was on stage talking about a girl who let any boy get in her pants and how bad that was. I didnt like the family life book , or talks on masturbation, etc. For older kids they all rolled their eyes anyway.....and snickered as did I,,,,,,,,,but the really young kids didnt need to hear all of the things that were said......IMO. Something like I said just went a little too into details that bothered me for their ages at the time.

    I grew up on the Great Teacher book,,,,,,, my dad studied that with me probably about 5 times before I was 8 years old.

    Now I need to go back and read that book and see what that book really is saying, seriously, the things they put in there as a form of a question, is not so much a question as it is a form of mind ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,isnt that so,, etc. and if we want to please Jehovah , will we not keep these points ( WT points and views) in mind at all times............. barf barf, and more barf,,,,,,,,now I need the real pepto.

  • Ravyn

    I probably will not win any popularity contests here for this post...BUT.............

    sexual 'experimentation' between peers without intimidation is not unhealthy. In fact IMHO it promotes a healthy and informed view of sex. 'Playing doctor' is a part of grwoing up and to deny natural sexual development IS perverted. For the Borg to equate this normal, natural part of maturation with demon possession or demon-pleasing is sick sick sick. It is this kind of oppression/suppression that creates sexual predators and victims. sexual ignorance is NOT bliss, it is dangerous.


  • dedalus
    It makes the demons happy when people do things that are forbidden by Jehovah. For example, the demons like it when a boy and a girl play with each others' penis or vulva. We don't want to make the demons happy, do we? --

    There is something else that the demons like but Jehovah hates. Do you know what it is?

    What's dangerous about this kind of "moral" education is that the reason to avoid sex and violence is because it makes bad demons happy. That's it, and sadly, this is the sum total of Witness morality -- it never becomes more complicated than that, even for Witness adults. Well, what happens when kids grow up and realize that demons are about as real as the tooth fairy? Suddenly the morality they've been taught is meaningless.

    There are deeper principles upon which ideas about "morality" can -- must -- be based, if the word is to have any real meaning at all.


  • IslandWoman

    Desperate times call for desperate measures, and when you can't control other people you impregnate them with morbid fear. For young children who may be afraid to sleep in the dark or look under their beds at night, what could provide better control than to make them afraid of the unseen, the wicked spirit world of demons out to get them.

    What happened to pleasing God and giving the demons the finger? Now it's, think long and hard about what the demons like to see you do but remember! don't do it cause it makes the demons happy!

    The basic premise that some behaviors promoted in the media are behaviors that very often result in harm to young people is true, but to teach that the demons are involved with all of this is demonic in itself.

    The wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places that need to be feared are not the so called demons that roam about but rather the vicious Centaurs at Bethel masquerading as lovers of God.


  • teejay

    This is either one of the best threads I've ever read or one of the worse, and damned if I know which it is...

  • JeffT

    This reinforces something I've known for a long time: The Borg is obsessed with sex. The funny thing is the more they talk about it, the more it goes on. If they'd leave it alone, instead of twisting people into knots over it, the problems they seek to address would go away. They are creating a group of people that are entirely dysfunctional in this part of their lives. Well all of their life actually.

  • metatron

    Apparently, they want to "DEMONIZE" sex!

    When the hormones hit at age 12/13, you think kids will remember any of this crap? Not likely!

    The ability of Witness kids to shut off their heads during meetings is amazing. Any of you ex-elders out there

    might have personal experience with this talent. ( "living together? what's wrong with that?")


  • riz

    Alan quoted from the book:

    The female genital parts are called the vulva. Jehovah created these parts of the body for a special purpose that should be enjoyed only by married people.

    That reminds me of that movie "The Jerk" with Steve Martin.

    "What's happening to my special purpose??!!"

  • mouthy

    Thanks Alan for filling us in. I agree the watch Tower is obsessed with sex. Maybe cos the "old Men" at the top "aint getting any

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